I have a problem with the editor crashing when I am trying to run my game without any usable error messages. I was hoping to find a output.log but I have failed to see such a file. Basically I want to access the debug log output to see if I can find any obvious errors.
In the upper-right corner of the console window, there's two buttons for opening up the Editor and Player logs. If Unity crashes on you and you're interested in getting the log before re-launching it, you can also grab the log files here:
For Windows:
Web player
For OS X:
Web player
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What I usually do on OS X is view the log file with Console.app (/Applications/Utilities/Console.app) for a live update of things. Its also got a nice hierarchy view on its left for quickly switching between monitored logs.
As already noted, you can open the current editor log by clicking the 'player log' or 'editor log' in the upper right corner of the console window.
In addition, as well as "Editor.log", Unity also keeps the editor log from the previous run in the same location as the current editor log file, named "Editor-prev.log".
On Windows, you can find these files in:
C:\Documents and Settings\Ben\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Editor
And on a Mac, you can find it here:
However, A neat way to deal with the problem of viewing logs to debug a crash is open your .log files with a text editor which detects changes to a file and notifies your or refreshes with the current changes (such as Notepad++ for Win). This way you'll be notified of changes after unity has crashed, and you just have to OK the refresh message in your text app and you get the new log displayed straight away.
You could even tail the log file (tail for mac, and perhaps BareTail for Win) or use an app which detects changes and refreshes the file, so that you get an external scrolling pane of text showing changes to the log file as they happen. You can also do this for the player log, or even the webplayer log files.
When Unity crashes in editor it stores a crash log here:
Windows 10:
If your on a different OS or this file path doesn’t work you can find the crash log file path from the editor log. Just search for a line that says this “A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in:” it should be towards the bottom of the editor log if you recently experienced a crash.