Unity Game Crash, is there a log file?

Hello all,

I have created the basics for a small game using unity. All my scripts run pretty good and it plays fine, however after about 5 minutes or so while playing it in the editor, Unity up and quits. I tested this in an export and it does the same thing. Sounds like a memory leak to me, but without unity running how do I figure out why it crashes?

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hmmmm… after looking at the support doc. I find that in my Windows XP system:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Editor\Editor.log

does not exist.

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Editor-3.x

does, but

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Editor-3.x\Editor.log

does not…

Is this something that has not been re-implemented back into Unity 3.0?

Yes, I know username is the log in name of the computer… :wink:

On Windows 8 the crashlog ends up in:



Dude this threads from 2011! Supa-necro! How’d you even find this???

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Google? :slight_smile:

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Good point.

Haha, I was thinking Windows XP? Unity 3?? It’s time to upgrade man, just do it.

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the link goes to Error 404

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Hey Guys,I think it can be connected with changed address of your internet connection after some time, try to restart unity to fix that and don’t hibernate pc

Editor Crashes in WIN10 is not where that UNITY link says:


It says something about “company name” what does that even mean?