How to Add Render Queue property in Inspector to LightWeight Shader ?

Hi guys! Im currently trying to use new lightweight srp, and i need to change render queue in order to draw outline behind object. Its easy to change it by script material.renderQueue = 3000; , but in order to see changes you need to hit play. Is there any solutions to add renderqueue property to inspector?

This guys somehow solved this

Maybe there is easier solutions? Thanks in advance!

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Find Solution if anyone interested.

First of all Added RenderQueue field it self.

  protected void DoMaterialRenderingOptions()
        GUILayout.Label(Styles.renderingOptionsLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel);

But it wasnt saving if you load scene or restart editor.

Added this lines and it works properly.

if (m_FirstTimeApply)

            int renderQueue = material.renderQueue;
            material.renderQueue = renderQueue;
            m_FirstTimeApply = false;

Thanks to guy from chat tomix1024.