How to build Vision Pro fully immersive app?


I’m interested in creating a fully immersive app, which according to my knowledge does not require the PolySpatial plugin. However, I’m confused what is needed. From the WWDC session, it seems like you should do the following:

  • Select the build target for the Vision Pro platform: Ok this is available in Unity 2022.3.5

  • Enable the XR Plug-in: yes, but there is no plugin available for the Vision Pro platform?

So the result so far is a normal Unity 2D app that works on the Vison Pro (simulator)…

Anybody? Is this not a thing yet?

You are correct that you do not need PolySpatial to build a fully immersive application. You do however need the visionOS XR package which is currently part of the closed beta program. You can apply here.

Hi Dan, we applied quite a while ago. When and how do we get notified about the progress of our application?

You should get notified with the email you applied with.

Is this information still hold? It seem the visionos package is available publicly now

Do we need unity pro license just to build immersive app on visionOS ?

The packages are now public but still require a Unity pro or industrial license to build VR or MR apps.

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Thank you very much for your clarification

Still I am not understand why we could build android VR/AR platform without pro license. But needed for apple

And also, why we need xr.visionos and polyspatial.visionos as separate package though?