How to trigger Timelines/ Playables from within a Timeline?

I know this is probably a stupid question, but I cannot figure out how to simply trigger another Timeline from within a Timeline.

For instance, I have Seq_01 and at the end of it, I want to trigger Seq_02 (which is a small looping anim). I tried putting Seq_02 into the Seq_01 Timeline as an activation track. It will play one loop of the anim and then stop. Seq_02 will trigger and loop properly if I have it set to ‘Play On Awake’, but that won’t work for me since I don’t want this Timeline to Play On Awake, I want it to be triggered.

I’m not really sure about the proper way to go about this, and I’m also not entirely sure how the Play On Awake function works for Timeline, it seems to behave not exactly how I would expect.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Use a control track, instead of an activation track. It will automatically play the PlayableDirector on another gameObject.

Thanks, I tried using a Control track instead of an Activation track, it sort of reacts the same way though.

I added a control clip to the end of Seq_01 and set the Source Game Object to Seq_02. I have Control Activation checked and Post Playback set to Active. It will play that one loop of Seq_02 at the end and then stop, even though Seq_02 (and the animation track in it) are set to loop.

It seems there is also a field for Prefabs on the Control clip, why are there two fields? Do the timelines need to be prefabs as well? Is there something special you have to do to get the new timeline (Seq_02) to loop as intended?

Thanks for the help!