I modified the TextMeshProUGUI property to make the SRP Batcher Compatible.
However, when I put multiple text meshes on the screen and examine them in FrameDebugger, I see that they are not batching and separate Batchers are created.
Also, there is a description in TMP_SDF.shader that makes me think GPU Instancing is supported, such as UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID,
In fact, it seems to be incomplete.
(Not surprising because the Canvas Renderer does not support Property Block.)
Whatever the case, I would like to draw multiple TextMeshProUGUI batching.
Is there a good way to do this?
*I also tried enabling dynamic batching, but it didn’t work.
*For other production reasons, I am updating the vertex, color, uv3 of the TextMesh every frame.