Importing Kokoro-82M TTS ONNX Model: Current Unsupported Features and Future Support Timeline

I’m trying to import kokoro-82M (TTS) onnx model but I get these errors (I’m using the latest Sentis 2.1.1):

  • ConcatFromSequence not supported
  • Loop not supported
  • SequenceEmpty not supported
  • SplitToSequence not supported

when are these going to get supported?

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I am not in the position to promise anything. We will take a look at the kokoro model and the missing operators.

Meanwhile, here is the list of supported ONNX operators.

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This model is great. I would like to use it in my games with sentis. Please support it.

Another vote for Kokoro please, searching for “kokoro Unity” brought me here :slight_smile: Thanks for all your hard work!


We really need more TTS solution so I’m adding my vote