iPhone skate boarding game sneak peek!

Check out our WIP skate game for Vans … and yeah, it is Unity :smile:

very cool, the iphone’s touch controls give off a Skate. vibe 8) . Very snazzy my friend.

I like it!

More proof that Unity will dominate 3D web based games (and some 2D) and iPhone/iPod Touch games.

Looks very cool :slight_smile: good work.

Awesome work so far… can’t wait to play this.

that looks pretty cool psychicparrot :smile:
i’d love to try it…

Nice one!
It should absorbs the players in it. One thing, what sort of physics is involved here for moving the skate?

How long did all this take to launch this demo?

It actually didn’t take very long at all the get the basics going. Unity really is a fantastic monster for prototyping …

Physics are relatively simple. The iPhone can be tricky to get right at first, but we’ve spent a lot of time just figuring out how to optimize things and make it run well - things are pretty sweet now :slight_smile:

The team has also written some really cool code to use apple’s UI (and video playback) alongside Unity … I’m hoping that the guys will share some of their knowledge on the wiki or up here in the forums, since I know there may be one or two people out there who want to know how we’ve combine “standard” Xcode stuff like NIBs, etc into a Unity project :wink:

You can keep an eye on the project and see a couple of screen shots over at our games site … http://www.fuelgames.com


Hey guys,
I was the lead 3D artist that worked on the Vans project. The final version is now up on the App store, look for “Vans SK8”.

I went through a lot of testing to find the best optimization methods to be able to reach that level of quality (graphics) using the Unity engine.

If anyone has any questions regarding the art assets or optimization process I will be glad to help you out.

Hey, Pat! :wink:

It’s also the 23rd most popular iphone game in the UK right now lol

Spam spam spam spam …!

Yes, Could you please share with us all in this thread the optimization process you used.


Dont call it iSkate for the love of god! :smile:

Haha! iPhone, iSkate, iEat, iDrink, iFart, iThinkThereforeIam …

Merseyside, eh? I used to live near you … over in New Brighton :o

Though I love Ottawa, I do miss the promenade believe it or not. I can’t imagine how much time I used to spend down there as a kid … and the occasional visit to … oh man, what was it called? The sand place … dunes … erm … lighthouse … oh man I can’t remember … oh and Bidstone Hill with the windmill … ahhhh, the memories :wink:

You actually know me, but you dont know you know me :wink: from the Blitz days (er its pretty much a dead horse to be flogged now)

Nice! Always good to reminisce about the golden days of Blitz :wink: … how are you finding Unity? It’s a real different ball game, isn’t it?

hey Robb,
let me know what aspect of the optimization process (texture, drawcalls, animation …) you would like to know more details, something more specific so I can help you out.
