Is there a way to use a tilemap as a sprite mask?

I am trying to figure out if there’s a way to mask a shadow that’s being projected onto a tilemap. The shadow is currently a child of the character casting it, but I’m open to suggestions on that -
alternatively, is there a way to cast a shadow from a 3d model onto a 2d receiver? I’m working in a side scrolling orthographic view; I’ve considered using 3d tiles (although that sort of seems like its own can of worms), but I’m not sure if there’d be a good way to view the top of those tiles. So far I just fake a “top” by translating my character down slightly from the collider.

Still looking for tips :slight_smile:

I believe you just add the sprite mask to the same game object as the tilemap renderer, and change the dropdown to ‘Supported Renderers’, and it should automatically pick up on the tilemap renderer.

Not sure what version this was added, as it looks like its page on the manual hasn’t been updated for a long time.