Lightmapping Problem

Hey guys, I’m hoping someone can help me out with this problem, or at least shed some light on it.

I made a level in max. It’s very basic, but before I really started to flesh it out, I wanted to see how it’s going to look when it’s lightmapped. I added several meshes to the scene, and for the sake of the test, I made them all static, with a second uv channel, and placed a directional light where I wanted it. I do the bake, and it creates maps, but the scene remains literally unchanged. Now, for a test, I tried making a terrain using unity, and the bake worked great, but only on the terrain. None of the objects are shadowing. I’m sure there is an easy and stupid(on my part) reason this isn’t working, but I can’t figure it out.

For the record, I’m using the toon basic outline shader, and unity indie. Maybe using the toon shader doesn’t allow shadows??? That sounds bizarre if it’s the case, but I am running out of ideas here. Help?!

Are lightmaps working at all or is it just the absence of shadows? The free version of Unity doesn’t allow shadows. ( I think the same goes for lightmapping, but I’m not sure.

well like I say, if I use a terrain object, the shadows work beautifully on the terrain, but on nothing else. The textures are definately baking. I can see them, they’re just not being applied. My level is made completely of static meshes, so I need everything to receive shadows(well not everything, but more than just terrain). I thought unity pro was only needed for real time shadows?

When you have the lightmapping window open, and check “use lightmaps” do they show up? or is it only on play mode when they aren’t applied? also, check the “Show resolution” box to make sure that your objects are getting a grid. I’ve found that sometimes I would think an object is static, but it’s not.

Another thing to try is in the FBX Importer check “Generate Lightmap UVs” You said that you created 2 UV sets, and that should be enough, but maybe something is going wrong. I’ve always just made one UV set, and checked that box, and it worked.

Also, do you have the combine Children script applied? (I’ve been having my own problems trying to get the two to work together)

No, nothing is working. I’ve tried it all. I’m wondering if the toon shader can’t receive shadows or something. If i turn the light off and on even, it makes zero change. It’s like everything is self lit.

I even downloaded the trial for pro, and it’s still not working.

I figured out the problem hahahahaha. As it turns out, i’m an idiot. I was using basic outline instead of lighted outline…let the tomatoes begin to fly at me.