Multiple SubGraph instances make it difficult for me to pass variables between Graph and SubGraph correctly

The purpose of this case is to test the interaction between the MainGraph and the SubGraph. If there is only one BehaviorGraph Instance the case is executed correctly.
But if there are multiple Instances, such as 2, an unexpected situation will occur. The specific steps are:

  1. Select Cube1 and check Blackboard Variables.Rotate in the Inspector panel. This means that Cube1 will rotate 180 degrees along the Y axis within 2 seconds
  2. Select Cube2 and check Blackboard Variables.Rotate in the Inspector panel. This means that Cube2 will rotate 360 degrees along the X axis within 4 seconds
  3. Select Cube1 again and find that the Blackboard Variables of Cube1 are overwritten by the Blackboard Variables of Cube2


import this package,you can run it in your project.(install com.unity.behavior@1.0.6 first)
LearnSubGraph01.unitypackage (37.4 KB)

Hi @godblesschimp

This indeed looks bad :grimacing:

Thank you for reporting the issue, I’ll create a public ticket for using the provided information.

Sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:

Thank you for providing the reproduction sample. I was able to reproduce quickly and opened a public issue:

(should be available soon)