NavMeshAgent not moving when calling SetDestination

So I’ve been stuck on this for a while now. The problem is that I have a NavMeshAgent on a baked navmesh and I’m just calling Agent.SetDestination(Position) which should result in it moving to said destination. However mine doesn’t move at all for some brilliant reason.

I followed a simple unity tutorial on how to set everything up as I’ve might’ve forgotten something and yet again, after following the tutorial step by step it still doesn’t move.

Tutorial I followed:

Now to the fun part of this problem: I created a new unity project and did the EXACT SAME THING and it just works. Has anyone had similar issues with this or am I the only one? I’m about to go fucking crazy on this thing.

Well, nobody can answer you that without telling us more informations …

Any console errors? Have you setup your env. correctly? Althought you follow the tutorial, here is a huge amount of people which say so but does not really do.

Is the NavMesh Baked? Can you see it?
What happens after setting Destination on your Agent? (Anything MUST happen), any console log etc.

Hi! Thanks for the quick response. There are no console errors except from one warning which states that my visual studio package is outdated. Since I got the exact same navmesh setup and code to work in another project, I can outrule this warning as being the problem.

As for the tutorial I followed. I did the exact same thing that he did in the tutorial up until the point where his navmeshagent would move to the destination he set. At this point in the tutorial mine didn’t do anything where it should have moved to the destination I set. I’ve worked with navmeshes before and I know how to use them. I only watched the tutorial to see if I missed something since it was a while ago I did anything with navigation in unity.

I can see the navmesh I’ve baked, it has a “walkable” area mask and my Navmeshagent is setup to be able to traverse said walkable area mask. When I press play my navmeshagent quickly snaps to the navmesh that’s baked which should be fine if I remember correctly, and nothing else happens after that. If I have the navigation window open and target my navmeshagent I can see the path that is created between the agent and the destination. The only problem is that it’s not moving towards the destination at all.

Without seeing your code, agent settings, i can only ask you to debug