Netcode for Entities Manual Diagram, server tick on client and server

In the Netcode for Entities v1.3.6 manual, in the “Introduction to prediction” section it has this diagram:

It shows that the client servertick is at 10 when they send the input to the server, and the server recieves the input at servertick 7-8.

I thought the servertick on the client is always lagging behind by their one way ping.

So if the server is currently at tick 69 and the client has a one way ping of 50ms then the clients servertick would be One-way latency (ms) / NetworkTickRate (ms) in this case 50ms / 16.67ms = 3 ticks (approximatley) (Assuming server tick rate of 60Hz (16.67ms).

Is that a mistake in the diagram, or am i interpreting it wrong?

The name “ServerTick” can be a bit confusing at first. It’s the “predicted ServerTick” client side. Which means it’s not “the last server tick the client received”. Clients have their predicted timeline a bit more forward in time, so that when they send their inputs, the server receives it at the right tick. The doc should talk about these timelines, let me know if there’s anything unclear in there.

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