New Build Profile from Unity 6 with Build Automation

Is there a way to select my custom build profile (which is new in Unity 6) from Build Automation?

Hey @egunan,

We don’t have an ideal integration with build profiles yet. We were heavily involved in the development of build profiles to ensure that they were suitable for an automation usecase, and we are committed to improving Unity’s usability under automated conditions. We are planning on improving the integration in early 2025.

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While we don’t have full UI integration, this is coming early next year as Ross mentioned, you can configure your build using our APIs.

See Unity DevOps Build Automation

The body would be:

  "settings": {
    "buildProfilePath": "Assets/....."

Your build will then use your build profile and you will see a message in the build logs stating that we are using a build profile.

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Thank you! I was able to add the path using the api.

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