I have a question regarding vendor plugins and XR.
Do I need to install each vendor plugin (e.g. WMR plug in and Oculus XR plugin) or can I just install one and publish to all other platforms? In other words can I use Oculus XR plugin and play on a Valve device (e.g. Index), and vise versa?
You will have to ask Valve about what restrictions they put on their store in regards to what you can publish there. Same goes for every other store as they all have their own restrictions and requirements for publishing.
Thanks and sorry I should asked differently (edited my original question). Yeah, I am aware of the publish part of things and each store restrictions. I should have said play, not publish.
Like lets say, I use Oculus XR plugin and publish on the Oculus store (no problems here, play with an oculus headset should be able to play). But what about if there is a play with a Valve index trying to play the same game (on Oculus store of course) will that person have issues, is my question.
I ask this because before XR management, if I were to use something like OVR or OpenVR plugin, I can do what I described above just fine. Now with the new framework has this changed?
I am still not quite clear on the issue here. I don’t see how OVR will run an HTC Index directly. I would think that you would still need to use the SteamVR plugin added to your project to be able to handle that.
I published an app using SteamVR plugin, no OVR whatsoever, and people with WMR, Oculus and Valve, all were able to play because SteamVR managed this (how? guess they had drivers for this? beyond my knowledge). I believe if you used the Oculus integration (I have limited experience with this) it did the same thing as Steam plug in.
I was under the assumption that XR management was supposed to take care of this part now, act like a central management system for all the devices, with the help of XR plugins from the vendor, is this correct?
XR Management does not change how this all works in relation to built in XR. You still need to use and manage provider plugins for each store/device/etc. you want to run on/publish to.
Valve has put a lot of effort in making SteamVR work with WMR and OVR by writing wrappers around those systems so they look and work with Steam VR. This is why you can use Steam VR and have it run on all other devices. This has nothing to do with Unity XR support, either Built In or XR Plugin based.
I have no information in regards to if Oculus drivers are setup to make Steam VR look like an Oculus device or not, nor WMR. My best guess is no but honestly I don’t know.
Currently, I’m making VR apps based on Steam VR. It works on my Vive and is compatible with other headsets like my WMR. In my experience, this is as far we can go to make a .exe that will run with any VR headset.
I was hoping we’d get some kind of universal VR standard by now and that XR would go in that direction. Instead, anything I tried with XR management didn’t work with my Vive. Worse, I wanted to try the 2020 beta and OpenVR is deprecated so SteamVR doesn’t work either.
Is there and alternative?
Is there a reason we don’t get SteamVR in XR management?
I have been messing with the new interaction system and I am able to see the VR controllers under unsupported so Unity Definitely can see these devices without any plugins. But I probably won’t rely on this for a production app.
I recently published an app and most of the complaints had to do around input/compatibility. Troubleshooting these has been an absolute nightmare. Problem is we still have no real standard when it comes to VR, everyone wants to be the leader and doing their own thing. We have Valve in on corner, WMR and Oculus in the other and they are all trying to compete (my personal opinion) and we are caught in the middle. You can say what you want about WMR, but this has been the easiest to work with as a developer. I wish everyone adopted one framework (e.g. WMR) and built their hardware on top of that. VR world would be a happier, stable and a thriving place. That was my little rant.
Anyways, looks like the pain train will continue for the foreseeable future and I hope I am wrong.
Yeah I see that now. I was working using Unity’s documentation that shows adding packages from git with the “.git”. That was a misleading direction.
URL works fine. You just need to have Git installed on your PC, Note that it is NOT git desktop or source tree, you need actual git (Git-2.26.2-64-bit) installed. If you do not want to do this, you can download it to your desktop (from link below) and from the package manager select “Add package from disk”.
From valve:
Unity XR Input (SteamVR Legacy Input):
Go to the package manager window (Window Menu → Package Manager)
Could you please tell me what the proper workflow is for getting WMR, Valve and Oculus to work on the same build? I have been digging (perhaps at the wrong places) and can’t really seem to find much on this.
Do I check all the XR plugins and hit play, is XR supposed to figure out which devices is connected and work accordingly? I did this but I get errors. Do I need to do something else?