OpenXR and OpenVR together?

Unity version; 2020.03 or if you have suggestions?
I installed XR plugin management.

I have a project that I need to use HTC VIVE Trackers. VIVE trackers only work with SteamVR. When I install SteamVR SDK (via package manager or GitHub unitypackage doesn’t matter), it checks “OpenVR Loader”.
Then I add an object and add the “Steam VR _Tracked Object” component to track VIVE trackers and it tracks the object. That’s ok so far.

Then controllers;
I add deviced-based XR Rig to my scene. I removed the Ray interactors and add Direct Interactor (because I want to use hands prefabs). I add the prefabs etc.
I play the project and I can see the controllers, also hands.
note: I also add collision to controller and selected trigger in collision component

Then I want to add objects that I can grab. I add a normal object (lets say cube). I add “XR Grab Interactable” component.

Now I expect to grab the object when I run the app.
Object is there, controllers are there but I can not interact with the object.

Then I install OpenXR and check “Open XR” in “XR Plugin Management” settings.
(At this point Open VR Loader and Open XR selected together)
And it still doesn’t work.
Then I remove “Open VR Loader”
Then I can interact with the object, I can grab etc…

but the problem is, when I de-select Open VR Loader checkbox in the settings, I loose SteamVR and I loose VIVE Tracker (the object I assigned the tracker stays there)
I also get the warning msg;

“[SteamVR] Initialization failed. Please verify that you have SteamVR installed, your hmd is functioning, and OpenVR Loader is checked in the XR Plugin Management section of Project Settings.”

I m stuck for 3 days, can anyone give me an idea or path to follow, please?
What can I do? (VIVE Tracker is a must)

I believe I understand what you are trying to do, and if I understand correctly it isnt possible. When you check multiple items in the XR Management they are not run together but rather it is a list of options to run, so only one will ever run at a time. Does that answer you question?

I guess you’re right. As long as OpenXR will not support HTC VIVE trackers, the thing I want is not doable. I must go with SteamVR and forget about Open XR I guess.

Unfortunately until the vive trackers gets support in an OpenXR runtime that is the case.

hello, i have the same problem as i am renewing my game which is already selling.

i already spent a month on developing no-vive tracker version. then i found this problem.

it is critical for my app to support vive trackers on Windows as well as to support Quest Native app.
i will go to hell if i have to use SteamVR Plugin for Unity + Oculus API to accomplish my specification.

i am not new to the problem and waited the solution since 2019 Nov.

i can actually develop but u know the maintenance/testing cost is too high. thats what “Unity” is for. Right?
Reducing maintenance/testing cost for ongoing multiplatform development.

how long do i have to wait and keep telling my boss that it’s too costly to maintenance such a specification?

it is really, really have no way out to the problem?? i dont mind spending a week for this if anyone give me any guide.


The issue is that HTC/SteamVR does not have support for the Tracker as of yet. There is work being done to support it I believe but no ETA that I know of.

1 Like


ty for ur answer.
ik that plugin Management system rely on implementation by the hardware manufacture.

but instead of saying that its htc problem could u pls contact them and push their plans? i think the World need someone responsible to truely integrate VR inputs.

thank you

HTC is part of the Khronos OpenXR group and they are actively discussing their plans along with valve for the Vive Tracker. We are not just passing it off on HTC here, but until they have support in a runtime for it and an OpenXR extension that we can reference all we can do is continue to be part of the discussion with them. I would recommend users who want OpenXR support for the tracker continue to make it known to HTC/Valve on their forums as well.

I’ve got exactly the same issue as OP and am wondering if anyone has heard any update or timing for when openXR will be able to support the Vive Trackers? I’ve posted to HTC forums too, to see if anyone there knows the status.

Until it’s supported officially, is there any Unity configuration that people are aware of that might work? I have been using 2020.3 but since that version dropped their prior XR support (whatever that was called), I’m wondering if I go back to earlier versions I might be able to use the OpenXR package for tracking headset and controllers, while simultaneously using OpenVR/SteamVR to just track the tracker? Any suggestions appreciated.


i think my time is up. now i have to give up OpenXR or give up Vive Tracker support.
I cant give up on Unity b/c Unity does unify different APIs and standards for ease of devs.
I believe in Unity that continuously solve incompatibility issues like this and truely unify all the input.

In August 2021, Khronos defined
XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction extension.

SteamVR in Nov released a patch note on “beta” version of steam vr with XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction support
in OpenXR mode.

some bugs fixed with the latest patch

im going to shoot this and see if i can get it working

Looking forward to seeing the results, and if you get an OpenXRFeature working I am sure there are a lot of other people who would love to see that.

I have created a new “UnityEditor.XR.OpenXR.Features.OpenXRFeature” to make the extension enabled and provide a interaction profile for the tracker.
I can verify the extension is enabled with success, but I can’t seem to find a way for the InputSystem to recognize and surface the InputDevice to the system.

I believe that the feature should be enough to enable interaction… Just need to figure out how to create the InputDevice or preferably make the OpenXRLoader actually do it.
Care to look at the code?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;

using UnityEditor;

using PoseControl = UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input.PoseControl;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Features.Interactions
    /// <summary>
    /// This <see cref="OpenXRInteractionFeature"/> enables the use of HTC Vive Trackers interaction profiles in OpenXR.
    /// </summary>
    [UnityEditor.XR.OpenXR.Features.OpenXRFeature(UiName = "HTC Vive Tracker Profile",
        BuildTargetGroups = new[] { BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, BuildTargetGroup.WSA },
        Company = "MASSIVE",
        Desc = "Allows for mapping input to the HTC Vive Tracker interaction profile.",
        DocumentationLink = Constants.k_DocumentationManualURL + "features/htcvivecontrollerprofile.html",
        OpenxrExtensionStrings = "XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction",
        Version = "0.0.1",
        Category = UnityEditor.XR.OpenXR.Features.FeatureCategory.Interaction,
        FeatureId = featureId)]
    public class HTCViveTrackerProfile : OpenXRInteractionFeature
        /// <summary>
        /// The feature id string. This is used to give the feature a well known id for reference.
        /// </summary>
        public const string featureId = "com.massive.openxr.feature.input.htcvivetracker";

        /// <summary>
        /// OpenXR user path definitions for the tracker.
        /// See the [OpenXR Specification]( for more intformation.
        /// </summary>
        public static class TrackerUserPaths
            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left foot
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftFoot = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_foot";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user roght foot
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightFoot = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_foot";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left shoulder
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftShoulder = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_shoulder";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right shoulder
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightShoulder = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_shoulder";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left elbow
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftElbow = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_elbow";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right elbow
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightElbow = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_elbow";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left knee
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftKnee = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_knee";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right knee
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightKnee = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_knee";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user waist
            /// </summary>
            public const string waist = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/waist";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user chest
            /// </summary>
            public const string chest = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/chest";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user custom camera
            /// </summary>
            public const string camera = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/camera";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user keyboard
            /// </summary>
            public const string keyboard = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/keyboard";

        /// <summary>
        /// An Input System device based off the <a href="">HTC Vive Tracker</a>.
        /// </summary>
        [Preserve, InputControlLayout(displayName = "HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)", commonUsages = new[] { "Left Foot", "Right Foot", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "Left Elbow", "Right Elbow", "Left Knee", "Right Knee", "Waist", "Chest", "Camera", "Keyboard" })]
        public class ViveTracker : TrackedDevice
            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the HTC Vive Tracker Profile select OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Secondary", "selectbutton" }, usage = "SystemButton")]
            public ButtonControl select { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [AxisControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.AxisControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.squeeze"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "GripAxis", "squeeze" }, usage = "Grip")]
            public AxisControl grip { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.squeeze"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "GripButton", "squeezeClicked" }, usage = "GripButton")]
            public ButtonControl gripPressed { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref=""/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Primary", "menubutton" }, usage = "MenuButton")]
            public ButtonControl menu { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [AxisControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.AxisControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trigger"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(alias = "triggeraxis", usage = "Trigger")]
            public AxisControl trigger { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.triggerClick"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(alias = "triggerbutton", usage = "TriggerButton")]
            public ButtonControl triggerPressed { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [Vector2Control](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector2Control) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpad"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Primary2DAxis", "touchpadaxes", "touchpad" }, usage = "Primary2DAxis")]
            public Vector2Control trackpad { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpadClick"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "joystickorpadpressed", "touchpadpressed" }, usage = "Primary2DAxisClick")]
            public ButtonControl trackpadClicked { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpadTouch"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "joystickorpadtouched", "touchpadtouched" }, usage = "Primary2DAxisTouch")]
            public ButtonControl trackpadTouched { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A <see cref="PoseControl"/> that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.grip"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 0, aliases = new[] { "device", "gripPose" }, usage = "Device")]
            public PoseControl devicePose { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) required for backwards compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This represents the overall tracking state of the device. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/isTracked.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 26)]
            new public ButtonControl isTracked { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [IntegerControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.IntegerControl) required for back compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This represents the bit flag set indicating what data is valid. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/trackingState.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 28)]
            new public IntegerControl trackingState { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [Vector3Control](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector3Control) required for back compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This is the device position. For the Oculus Touch device, this is both the grip and the pointer position. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/position.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 32, alias = "gripPosition")]
            new public Vector3Control devicePosition { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [QuaternionControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.QuaternionControl) required for backwards compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This is the device orientation. For the Oculus Touch device, this is both the grip and the pointer rotation. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/rotation.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 44, alias = "gripOrientation")]
            new public QuaternionControl deviceRotation { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A <see cref="HapticControl"/> that represents the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.haptic"/> binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(usage = "Haptic")]
            public HapticControl haptic { get; private set; }

            /// <inheritdoc cref="OpenXRDevice"/>
            protected override void FinishSetup()
                select = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("select");
                grip = GetChildControl<AxisControl>("grip");
                gripPressed = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("gripPressed");
                menu = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("menu");
                trigger = GetChildControl<AxisControl>("trigger");
                triggerPressed = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("triggerPressed");
                trackpad = GetChildControl<Vector2Control>("trackpad");
                trackpadClicked = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("trackpadClicked");
                trackpadTouched = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("trackpadTouched");

                devicePose = GetChildControl<PoseControl>("devicePose");
                isTracked = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("isTracked");
                trackingState = GetChildControl<IntegerControl>("trackingState");
                devicePosition = GetChildControl<Vector3Control>("devicePosition");
                deviceRotation = GetChildControl<QuaternionControl>("deviceRotation");

                haptic = GetChildControl<HapticControl>("haptic");

        /// <summary>The interaction profile string used to reference the <a href="">HTC Vive Tracker</a>.</summary>
        public const string profile = "/interaction_profiles/htc/vive_tracker_htcx";

        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/system/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string system = "/input/system/click";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/squeeze/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string squeeze = "/input/squeeze/click";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/menu/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string menu = "/input/menu/click";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a float interaction binding '.../input/trigger/value' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string trigger = "/input/trigger/value";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trigger/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string triggerClick = "/input/trigger/click";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a Vector2 interaction binding '.../input/trackpad' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string trackpad = "/input/trackpad";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trackpad/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string trackpadClick = "/input/trackpad/click";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trackpad/touch' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string trackpadTouch = "/input/trackpad/touch";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a pose interaction binding '.../input/grip/pose' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string grip = "/input/grip/pose";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for a haptic interaction binding '.../output/haptic' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public const string haptic = "/output/haptic";

        private const string kDeviceLocalizedName = "HTC Vive Tracker OpenXR";

        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="ViveTracker"/> layout with the Input System.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void RegisterDeviceLayout()
                        matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the <see cref="ViveTracker"/> layout from the Input System.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void UnregisterDeviceLayout()

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void RegisterActionMapsWithRuntime()
            ActionMapConfig actionMap = new ActionMapConfig()
                name = "htcvivetracker",
                localizedName = kDeviceLocalizedName,
                desiredInteractionProfile = profile,
                manufacturer = "HTC",
                serialNumber = "",
                deviceInfos = new List<DeviceConfig>()
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftFoot
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightFoot
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftShoulder
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightShoulder
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftElbow
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightElbow
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftKnee
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightKnee
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.waist
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.chest
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath =
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics)(InputDeviceCharacteristics.None),
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.keyboard
                actions = new List<ActionConfig>()
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "grip",
                        localizedName = "Grip",
                        type = ActionType.Axis1D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = squeeze,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "gripPressed",
                        localizedName = "Grip Pressed",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = squeeze,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "menu",
                        localizedName = "Menu",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = menu,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "select",
                        localizedName = "Select",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = system,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trigger",
                        localizedName = "Trigger",
                        type = ActionType.Axis1D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = trigger,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "triggerPressed",
                        localizedName = "Trigger Pressed",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = triggerClick,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpad",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad",
                        type = ActionType.Axis2D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = trackpad,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpadTouched",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad Touched",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = trackpadTouch,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpadClicked",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad Clicked",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = trackpadClick,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "devicePose",
                        localizedName = "Device Pose",
                        type = ActionType.Pose,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = grip,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    // Haptics
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "haptic",
                        localizedName = "Haptic Output",
                        type = ActionType.Vibrate,
                        usages = new List<string>() { "Haptic" },
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = haptic,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,


        protected override bool OnInstanceCreate(ulong xrInstance)
            bool result = base.OnInstanceCreate(xrInstance);

            if (OpenXRRuntime.IsExtensionEnabled("XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction"))
                Debug.Log("HTC Vive Tracker Extension Enabled");
                Debug.Log("HTC Vive Tracker Extension Not Enabled");

            return result;

I dont have a vive tracker that I can test with but the code looks correct at first glance. You may want to check your player log and editor log to see if there are any errors or warnings. I was helping someone else on github trying to get the vive tracker working and they also couldnt get it working, I wonder if the trackers are not sending interaction profile changed events.

I assume the tracker isnt showing up in the input debugger?

I have since improved on the code a bit as it was colliding with XRTracker from OpenVR and to also add characteristics to the devices.
No useful debugs are being shown.
Yes, the Tracker is not showing up in the input debugger, and that’s the missing piece in my opinion. I guess that only after the tracker is presented to the Input System can it attach to the profile.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;

using UnityEditor;

using PoseControl = UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input.PoseControl;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Features.Interactions
    /// <summary>
    /// This <see cref="OpenXRInteractionFeature"/> enables the use of HTC Vive Trackers interaction profiles in OpenXR.
    /// </summary>
        UiName = "HTC Vive Tracker Profile",
        BuildTargetGroups = new[] { BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, BuildTargetGroup.WSA },
        Company = "MASSIVE",
        Desc = "Allows for mapping input to the HTC Vive Tracker interaction profile.",
        DocumentationLink = Constants.k_DocumentationManualURL,
        OpenxrExtensionStrings = HTCViveTrackerProfile.extensionName,
        Version = "0.0.1",
        Category = UnityEditor.XR.OpenXR.Features.FeatureCategory.Interaction,
        FeatureId = featureId)]
    public class HTCViveTrackerProfile : OpenXRInteractionFeature
        /// <summary>
        /// The feature id string. This is used to give the feature a well known id for reference.
        /// </summary>
        public const string featureId = "com.massive.openxr.feature.input.htcvivetracker";

        /// <summary>
        /// The interaction profile string used to reference the <a href=",VIVE%20Tracker%20interaction%20profile,-Interaction%20profile%20path">HTC Vive Tracker</a>.
        /// </summary>
        public const string profile = "/interaction_profiles/htc/vive_tracker_htcx";

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the OpenXR extension that supports the Vive Tracker
        /// </summary>
        public const string extensionName = "XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction";

        private const string kDeviceLocalizedName = "HTC Vive Tracker OpenXR";

        /// <summary>
        /// OpenXR user path definitions for the tracker.
        /// </summary>
        public static class TrackerUserPaths
            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left foot
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftFoot = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_foot";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user roght foot
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightFoot = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_foot";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left shoulder
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftShoulder = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_shoulder";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right shoulder
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightShoulder = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_shoulder";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left elbow
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftElbow = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_elbow";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right elbow
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightElbow = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_elbow";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user left knee
            /// </summary>
            public const string leftKnee = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_knee";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user right knee
            /// </summary>
            public const string rightKnee = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_knee";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user waist
            /// </summary>
            public const string waist = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/waist";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user chest
            /// </summary>
            public const string chest = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/chest";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user custom camera
            /// </summary>
            public const string camera = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/camera";

            /// <summary>
            /// Path for user keyboard
            /// </summary>
            public const string keyboard = "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/keyboard";

        /// <summary>
        /// OpenXR component path definitions for the tracker.
        /// </summary>
        public static class TrackerComponentPaths
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/system/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string system = "/input/system/click";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/squeeze/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string squeeze = "/input/squeeze/click";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/menu/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string menu = "/input/menu/click";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a float interaction binding '.../input/trigger/value' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string trigger = "/input/trigger/value";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trigger/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string triggerClick = "/input/trigger/click";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a Vector2 interaction binding '.../input/trackpad' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string trackpad = "/input/trackpad";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trackpad/click' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string trackpadClick = "/input/trackpad/click";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a boolean interaction binding '.../input/trackpad/touch' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string trackpadTouch = "/input/trackpad/touch";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a pose interaction binding '.../input/grip/pose' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string grip = "/input/grip/pose";
            /// <summary>
            /// Constant for a haptic interaction binding '.../output/haptic' OpenXR Input Binding. Used by input subsystem to bind actions to physical inputs.
            /// </summary>
            public const string haptic = "/output/haptic";

        /// <summary>
        /// A base Input System device for XR Trackers, based off the TrackedDevice
        /// </summary>
        [InputControlLayout(isGenericTypeOfDevice = true, displayName = "XR Tracker")]
        public class XRTracker : TrackedDevice

        /// <summary>
        /// An Input System device based off the <a href="">HTC Vive Tracker</a>.
        /// </summary>
        [Preserve, InputControlLayout(displayName = "HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)", commonUsages = new[] { "Left Foot", "Right Foot", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "Left Elbow", "Right Elbow", "Left Knee", "Right Knee", "Waist", "Chest", "Camera", "Keyboard" })]
        public class XRViveTracker : XRTracker
            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the HTC Vive Tracker Profile select OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Secondary", "selectbutton" }, usage = "SystemButton")]
            public ButtonControl select { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [AxisControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.AxisControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.squeeze"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "GripAxis", "squeeze" }, usage = "Grip")]
            public AxisControl grip { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.squeeze"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "GripButton", "squeezeClicked" }, usage = "GripButton")]
            public ButtonControl gripPressed { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref=""/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Primary", "menubutton" }, usage = "MenuButton")]
            public ButtonControl menu { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [AxisControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.AxisControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trigger"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(alias = "triggeraxis", usage = "Trigger")]
            public AxisControl trigger { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.triggerClick"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(alias = "triggerbutton", usage = "TriggerButton")]
            public ButtonControl triggerPressed { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [Vector2Control](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector2Control) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpad"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Primary2DAxis", "touchpadaxes", "touchpad" }, usage = "Primary2DAxis")]
            public Vector2Control trackpad { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpadClick"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "joystickorpadpressed", "touchpadpressed" }, usage = "Primary2DAxisClick")]
            public ButtonControl trackpadClicked { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.trackpadTouch"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(aliases = new[] { "joystickorpadtouched", "touchpadtouched" }, usage = "Primary2DAxisTouch")]
            public ButtonControl trackpadTouched { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A <see cref="PoseControl"/> that represents information from the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.grip"/> OpenXR binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 0, aliases = new[] { "device", "gripPose" }, usage = "Device")]
            public PoseControl devicePose { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [ButtonControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl) required for backwards compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This represents the overall tracking state of the device. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/isTracked.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 26)]
            new public ButtonControl isTracked { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [IntegerControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.IntegerControl) required for back compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This represents the bit flag set indicating what data is valid. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/trackingState.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 28)]
            new public IntegerControl trackingState { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [Vector3Control](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector3Control) required for back compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This is the device position. For the Oculus Touch device, this is both the grip and the pointer position. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/position.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 32, alias = "gripPosition")]
            new public Vector3Control devicePosition { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A [QuaternionControl](xref:UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.QuaternionControl) required for backwards compatibility with the XRSDK layouts. This is the device orientation. For the Oculus Touch device, this is both the grip and the pointer rotation. This value is equivalent to mapping devicePose/rotation.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(offset = 44, alias = "gripOrientation")]
            new public QuaternionControl deviceRotation { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// A <see cref="HapticControl"/> that represents the <see cref="HTCViveTrackerProfile.haptic"/> binding.
            /// </summary>
            [Preserve, InputControl(usage = "Haptic")]
            public HapticControl haptic { get; private set; }

            /// <inheritdoc cref="OpenXRDevice"/>
            protected override void FinishSetup()
                select = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("select");
                grip = GetChildControl<AxisControl>("grip");
                gripPressed = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("gripPressed");
                menu = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("menu");
                trigger = GetChildControl<AxisControl>("trigger");
                triggerPressed = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("triggerPressed");
                trackpad = GetChildControl<Vector2Control>("trackpad");
                trackpadClicked = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("trackpadClicked");
                trackpadTouched = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("trackpadTouched");

                devicePose = GetChildControl<PoseControl>("devicePose");
                isTracked = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("isTracked");
                trackingState = GetChildControl<IntegerControl>("trackingState");
                devicePosition = GetChildControl<Vector3Control>("devicePosition");
                deviceRotation = GetChildControl<QuaternionControl>("deviceRotation");

                haptic = GetChildControl<HapticControl>("haptic");

                Debug.Log("Device added");

        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="ViveTracker"/> layout with the Input System.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void RegisterDeviceLayout()

                        matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the <see cref="ViveTracker"/> layout from the Input System.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void UnregisterDeviceLayout()

        // Summary:
        //     A set of bit flags describing XR.InputDevice characteristics.
        //"Left Foot", "Right Foot", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "Left Elbow", "Right Elbow", "Left Knee", "Right Knee", "Waist", "Chest", "Camera", "Keyboard"
        public enum InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics : uint
            TrackerLeftFoot = 0x1000u,
            TrackerRightFoot = 0x2000u,
            TrackerLeftShoulder = 0x4000u,
            TrackerRightShoulder = 0x8000u,
            TrackerLeftElbow = 0x10000u,
            TrackerRightElbow = 0x20000u,
            TrackerLeftKnee = 0x40000u,
            TrackerRightKnee = 0x80000u,
            TrackerWaist = 0x100000u,
            TrackerChest = 0x200000u,
            TrackerCamera = 0x400000u,
            TrackerKeyboard = 0x800000u

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void RegisterActionMapsWithRuntime()
            ActionMapConfig actionMap = new ActionMapConfig()
                name = "htcvivetracker",
                localizedName = kDeviceLocalizedName,
                desiredInteractionProfile = profile,
                manufacturer = "HTC",
                serialNumber = "",
                deviceInfos = new List<DeviceConfig>()
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerLeftFoot,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftFoot
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerRightFoot,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightFoot
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerLeftShoulder,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftShoulder
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerRightShoulder,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightShoulder
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerLeftElbow,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftElbow
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerRightElbow,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightElbow
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerLeftKnee,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.leftKnee
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerRightKnee,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.rightKnee
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerWaist,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.waist
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerChest,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.chest
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerCamera,
                        userPath =
                    new DeviceConfig()
                        characteristics = (InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice) | (InputDeviceCharacteristics)InputDeviceTrackerCharacteristics.TrackerKeyboard,
                        userPath = TrackerUserPaths.keyboard
                actions = new List<ActionConfig>()
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "grip",
                        localizedName = "Grip",
                        type = ActionType.Axis1D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.grip,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "gripPressed",
                        localizedName = "Grip Pressed",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.squeeze,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "menu",
                        localizedName = "Menu",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath =,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "select",
                        localizedName = "Select",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.system,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trigger",
                        localizedName = "Trigger",
                        type = ActionType.Axis1D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.trigger,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "triggerPressed",
                        localizedName = "Trigger Pressed",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.triggerClick,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpad",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad",
                        type = ActionType.Axis2D,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.trackpad,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpadTouched",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad Touched",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.trackpadTouch,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "trackpadClicked",
                        localizedName = "Trackpad Clicked",
                        type = ActionType.Binary,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.trackpadClick,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "devicePose",
                        localizedName = "Device Pose",
                        type = ActionType.Pose,
                        usages = new List<string>()
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.grip,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,
                    // Haptics
                    new ActionConfig()
                        name = "haptic",
                        localizedName = "Haptic Output",
                        type = ActionType.Vibrate,
                        usages = new List<string>() { "Haptic" },
                        bindings = new List<ActionBinding>()
                            new ActionBinding()
                                interactionPath = TrackerComponentPaths.haptic,
                                interactionProfileName = profile,


        protected override bool OnInstanceCreate(ulong xrInstance)
            bool res = base.OnInstanceCreate(xrInstance);

            if (OpenXRRuntime.IsExtensionEnabled("XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction"))
                Debug.Log("HTC Vive Tracker Extension Enabled");
                Debug.Log("HTC Vive Tracker Extension Not Enabled");

            return res;


I reached out to Valve to see if they have any insight.

1 Like

Hi there - thanks for the report.

I’m not too familiar with the hooks available for OpenXR plugins in Unity, I can’t see much from the code you have here but they all seem sound.

Assuming you have properly mapped the physical tracker to a specific role in the SteamVR dashboard, one thing to note about tracker paths is you need to use full paths such as:

There is an event we emit when trackers are connected, and if you can listen to this event somehow that’ll show you when and which trackers are connected, here’s a sample from the UE plugin:

To get the poses, either your plugin or the engine needs to create the appropriate spaces for the device and do the appropriate openxr calls. In the UE plugin, we’ve handled most of the openxr calls for as less reliance on the engine as possible:

If the engine can handle custom device spaces and action poses for you and you just provide the paths, that’d be ideal/easier of course if you’re not keen on delving too deeply with openxr calls. @the_real_apoxol - is that something that can be accessed easily on the C# end?

Our goal btw is to have engine plugins available for our and partner extensions available here:

We have a UE plugin ready, and depending on resources (time mostly) looking at having a Unity and Godot one as well there. But certainly happy to take any Pull Requests/Community contributions :slight_smile:

Most of this should already be handled by the Unity OpenXR plugin as the data is fed through the InputSystem. Currently it looks like what is stalling is that the xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile is failing which prevents the Unity OpenXR code from properly hooking up the device for that user path.

As for handling the actual activation events that can be done but requires some native code be written to hook the event processing and spy on the event. It should not be necessary to get data flowing on an active device though.

Thanks @the_real_apoxol ! It does look like an issue on our end with xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile when tracker paths are sent. I’ve got a fix now and just testing. Will post here once we’ve released in a Beta.

Since the engine is relying on this to hook up the device, i dont think there’s a temporary workaround I can provide but will try to get the fix out asap.