Hi there, so I have been fighting against this problem for a while and didn’t find how to properly fix it. So, I have created an equilateral flat triangle via scrip (C#). Everything works fine: normal, UV mapping, etc. However, as usual, the pivot point of the triangle was in one of its vertices (it’s 0,0,0 local-scale vertice). To relocate the pivot point, I resorted to the well known idea present in this script: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/SetPivot
Which pretty much means moving the mesh and the move back its vertices. It worked and now I have my equilateral triangle with the pivot point in its center. However, the gizmo for rotating or positioning the triangle in Unity’s scene editor appears in a different part of the triangle mesh, i.e. not in its center. To better illustrate it, look at the picture below:
The red triangle and the small red sphere are both positioned at 0,0,0 (world space). So, note that the triangle is being positioned via its center point. However, take a look at the Unity editor gizmo for when the triangle is selected: it appears above its center.
How can I correct that? Shouldn’t the gizmo be always located at the pivot point of the mesh?
Many thanks in advance.