Relay allocation created successfully but can't connect

I’m running into an issue setting up Unity Transport after configuring Relay.
Here is the code:

var data = await relayConnection.HostGame(1);
var utp = NetworkManager.Singleton.GetComponent<UnityTransport>();
utp.SetHostRelayData(data.IPv4Address, data.Port, data.AllocationIDBytes, data.Key, data.ConnectionData, true);
Debug.Log(utp.ConnectionData.Address + " vs: " + data.IPv4Address);
Debug.Log(utp.ConnectionData.Port + " vs: " + data.Port);

After relayConnection.HostGame(1), which I simply took from the Netcode documentation, I get the JoinCode, I can see the allocation in the dashboard and I can even get the client to connect to it.

However, after calling SetHostRelayData and NetworkManager.Singleton.StartHost(), even though the internal m_RelayServerData parameters are being set, the NetworkManager doesn’t actually connect to the Client (ie, I don’t see any connected clients, and the NetworkManager on the client side says disconnected)
Is there something else needed to make them setup correctly?

Also, the source code for netcode seems to suggest that ConnectionData is ignored if Relay is used (see here and snippet below), but SetClientRelayData does set the ConnectionData properties, which is why I initially thought that SetHostRelayData wasn’t setting anything. I can’t figure out where in the code the distinction is, as SetClientRelayData calls the same method internally as SetHostRelayData.


        /// <summary>
        /// Sets IP and Port information. This will be ignored if using the Unity Relay and you should call <see cref="SetRelayServerData"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">The remote end point</param>
        /// <param name="listenEndPoint">The local listen endpoint</param>
        public void SetConnectionData(NetworkEndPoint endPoint, NetworkEndPoint listenEndPoint = default)

HostGame (from docs)

    public async Task<RelayHostData> HostGame(int maxConn)
        //Initialize the Unity Services engine
        await UnityServices.InitializeAsync();
        //Always autheticate your users beforehand
        if (!AuthenticationService.Instance.IsSignedIn)
            //If not already logged, log the user in
            await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync();

        //Ask Unity Services to allocate a Relay server
        Allocation allocation = await Unity.Services.Relay.RelayService.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(maxConn);

        //Populate the hosting data
        RelayHostData data = new RelayHostData
            // WARNING allocation.RelayServer is deprecated
            IPv4Address = allocation.RelayServer.IpV4,
            Port = (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port,

            AllocationID = allocation.AllocationId,
            AllocationIDBytes = allocation.AllocationIdBytes,
            ConnectionData = allocation.ConnectionData,
            Key = allocation.Key,

        //Retrieve the Relay join code for our clients to join our party
        data.JoinCode = await Unity.Services.Relay.RelayService.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(data.AllocationID);
        return data;

Update: It seems that I am failing to connect after all. The client eventually drops the following message, indicating that it was disconnected and got a disconnect event.

Failed to connect to server.

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unity.Netcode.Transports.UTP.UnityTransport:ProcessEvent () (at Packages/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.10/Runtime/Transports/UTP/UnityTransport.cs:690)
Unity.Netcode.Transports.UTP.UnityTransport:Update () (at Packages/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.10/Runtime/Transports/UTP/UnityTransport.cs:739)

So it seems that when Unity says deprecated, they mean “it doesn’t work anymore”, even though they leave it on their docs as an example. Changing the above code to use endpoints worked for me:

JoinAllocation allocation = await Unity.Services.Relay.RelayService.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode);

        RelayServerEndpoint defaultEndPoint = new RelayServerEndpoint("udp", RelayServerEndpoint.NetworkOptions.Udp,
                true, false, allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port);

        foreach (var endPoint in allocation.ServerEndpoints)
            if (endPoint.Secure == true && endPoint.Network == RelayServerEndpoint.NetworkOptions.Udp)
                defaultEndPoint = endPoint;

        var serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(defaultEndPoint.Host, (ushort)defaultEndPoint.Port);
        //Populate the joining data
        RelayJoinData data = new RelayJoinData
            IPv4Address = defaultEndPoint.Host,
            Port = serverEndpoint.Port,

            AllocationID = allocation.AllocationId,
            AllocationIDBytes = allocation.AllocationIdBytes,
            ConnectionData = allocation.ConnectionData,
            HostConnectionData = allocation.HostConnectionData,
            Key = allocation.Key,

Could you provide more information on the mechanism that is deprecated and where it is present in the documentation? That looks like something we need to fix. Thanks!

There are 2 samples on that page and they have comments when creating RelayJoinData and RelayHostData about how using those properties is deprecated. With these samples as they are presented, I wasn’t able to get a connection (although the allocation was detected by the Client).

I changed that code to the code above (which I got from one of the samples), so that IPv4Address and Port were read from the endpoint, and that made it work for me (I didn’t do any digging to confirm that this was the reason, but it didn’t work before and worked after those changes, so I assumed that it was the case).

Thanks! I forwarded the feedback to the Relay team.

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