DirectX 11 Grass Shader
An affordable way of getting great grass to your project.
If you need the 5.0 version of the shader, you can still download it here.
High performance:
Scalable from low to high end, by generating blades of grass directly on the GPU!
Easy to use:
With a detailed text and video documentation and easy to use controls great results are a matter of minutes.
CPU Fallback:
Systems that cannot use DirectX 11 can still use the optimized CPU Fallback system.
Dynamic reaction:
Reacts dynamically to characters, vehicles, or any other game event.
Artistic control:
Use a variety of included tools to paint grass where you want it or easily create texture atlases.
Highly customizable:
From underwater scenes to alien landscapes. Useable for every art style.
With features from years of support and development:
- Supports Unity terrain and custom meshes
- Texture atlases
- Various lighting modes
- CPU fallback
- Moving platforms
- Advanced interaction system
- Grass painter
- Wind zones
- Texture atlas creation tools
- Detailed text documentation
- Video tutorials
Now on the Asset Store:
Supported third party assets:
- Curved World
- Most assets should work without explicit support. Ask here when you are in doubt.
Supported third party assets:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can the shader be used with Unity terrain?
Yes, the package includes a preprocessor which can optimize Unity terrain for use with the shader.
Can the shader be used with other meshes?
Yes, it works perfectly with custom meshes. To use all features it will have to be UV unwrapped.
Is it possible to remove grass?
Yes, you can also use a grass painter tool to change it directly in the editor.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Example Screenshots: