[RELEASED]Silantro Helicopter Simulator

I’m glad to introduce to you Silantro Helicopter Simulator.

Asset Store Link: Silantro Helicopter Simulator Toolkit | Physics | Unity Asset Store [Now Available!]
*Web Demo: https://oyedoyin.itch.io/silantro-helicopter-simulator*__

Android Demo: Silantro Helicopter Demo.apk - Google Drive

This is a complete AAA Rotary wing flight simulation plugin, it can be used to model and simulate different kinds of helicopters, drones and gyros. Main Features Include;

1. Realistic Lift Generation: The helicopter lift is calculated from each rotor and its attached blades. The blades are modelled with realistic aerodynamic calculations. Each blade has an attached airfoil with javafoil generated performance plots. The Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, Lift and Drag based on the helicopter’s speed, altitude and wing angle of attack as it is in real life. The lift generated by the blade is also dependent on the air density which also varies with the aircraft’s altitude.

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2. Realistic Flight Control System: Different kinds of helicopter systems of operation and controls can be modelled with the toolkit. Each system has its own unique mode of operation and control just like they do in real life; e.g Differential Lift for pitch control, differential torque for yaw control and swash plate roll control.

A. Tandem Rotor System; Utilizes two lift generating rotors, differential lift for Pitch Control, Blade Angle for Roll Control and Differential Torque for Yaw Control.

B. Coaxial Rotor System; Utilizes two lift generating rotors on the same mast, uses the swash plate for both pitch and roll control and differential torque for yaw control

C. Intermeshing Rotor System; Consists of two lift rotors at an angle to each other, the efficiency is improved due to the separation distance of the rotors. Utilizes a torque differential system for yaw control and pitch angle control for pitch and roll control.

D. Conventional Rotor System; Utilizes a Lift generating main rotor and a tail rotor for yaw control.

E. Propeller Powered Drones; These systems can also be modelled to a high degree of accuracy with the system

3. Realistic Engine System: The power-generating engines are modelled to a high degree of accuracy and realism. The required parameters can be easily obtained from Wikipedia and applied directly to the components. The output power is dependent on dynamic variables such as helicopter speed, air density, flight altitude, environmental temperature e.t.c.

4. Highly Customizable Components: The scripts are written to be as simple as possible for easy understand and customization.

5. Weapon System: Weapons are also available as an add-on to the system, they can be added, setup or removed depending on the desired situation. Available weapons include Machine guns, rockets and AGM missiles;

5. Enter-Exit System: The helicopters can be set up to either be controlled internally or externally. Setting up the enter-exit system is as simple as switching and selecting the preferred control mode.

6. Detailed Airfoil System: The airfoils used by the blades and aerofoils can be easily created from javafoil performance plots or any other airfoil analysis software.


Destruction System

Blurred Rotor System Test

Will there be an upgrade system from fixed wing system to rotary system for those that have the first package.

Where do you get you 3D Models form i am failing to find 3D Models can you post a link were i can get them

It’s not really an “Upgrade” process. It’s a completely new system and the two can coexist within the same project or scene, that was my number one design goal. Just like having Unity 5 and Unity 2019 running on your computer.

:smile::smile::smile: That’s the third most difficult and cost-incurring part of my development. Majority of the models I purchase or custom order from modellers (because I usually need some specific requirements which they don’t include by default), others are from customers for private setup, some are given to me by friends and one or two free downloads.


Download Link: Zippyshare.com - [now defunct] Free File Hosting

Test Video:


Nice, but the link does not work.

Which of the links!? The asset is still pending clearance on the store, so the link is temporarily unavailable.

Download link, crashes for me after jumping thru a lot of not so good web pages.

Sorry about that. I’ll try to upload to Dropbox when I have the chance. In the meantime try this link…the download should start automatically.

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Mobile Demo Flight Test 2


Advanced Weapons Test