Is this something new since 2019? I noticed since switching to 2019 that whenever I attach the debugger it tries to recompile something, sometimes even requiring to restart playback (not always).
This didn’t happen in unity 2018, now attaching the debugger is super slow at least with visual studio.
Thank you for the feedback. We got similar feedback from developers internally and before I was made aware of this thread, I already had a change pending to change this dialog. It hasn’t landed yet.
Multiple people internally have mentioned that “Switch to debug mode for all sessions” is confusing. Do you think “Switch to debug mode permanently” is more clear?
I think it makes sense to add this.
I think this only happens if you have "Script Changes While Playing" set to “Stop Playing And Recompile”
I think I would choose whether to use “debug mode” or “C# optimization” depending on the terminology used in the editor preferences window, or change the label in preferences to match with this dialog.
I think “Set debug mode as default” or “Start in debug mode by default” is clearer than “Switch to debug mode permanently”. The latter conveys that I can’t switch back and that’s not true.
“Switch to debug mode for all sessions” is the most unclear in my opinion.
(Case 1250792) Cannot enable debug mode when Unity is maximized on the second monitor
Bug Description
What happened
Clicking on the “bug icon” on the status bar doesn’t display the window that is used to switch between debug and release editor mode.
How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
This is reproducible in an empty project
Test this on a computer with 2 monitors. (Both of my monitors have 100% scaling)
Make sure that the secondary monitor is to the LEFT of the primary monitor.
If the secondary monitor has taskbar enabled, make sure it is NOT docked to the right edge.
Maximize Unity on the secondary monitor
Click on the Debug icon.
The popup window doesn’t appear
More information
The issue is reproducible without maximize as well.
If the debug icon is close to the right edge of the secondary monitor the popup does not appear.
The threshold distance is slightly larger than the with of the 4 icons combined.