Skybox no longer showing in Scene view

**Edit: Just seen that Effects toggle is off by default in this new release and that is why! May not be a bug!

No matter if skybox is ticked in scene view - Effects - Skybox toggle on or off, it does not show in the scene view any more.

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It does show up for me when I enable the “Toggle skybox, fog and various other effects”, but it turns off automatically at every restart of the editor.
Unity 2020.1.0a24.3156


We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. You can follow its status via this link - Unity Issue Tracker - [UI] Post processing effects and skybox toggle is disabled in new and existing projects


Thanks it worked

Just change layout from default to other.
It worked for me


Is it still being worked on?

Clearly they have marked it as “Fixed” even though it is not.

This isn’t the first time either. Historically when they do this, and fail to mention it in the “Known Bugs” release notes it means they are just going to ignore the issue.
Not a good look for them, but they do this a lot.

I’ll add it into my list of “Trust Issues” plaguing the Unity brand.

The maddening part is - if this bug was on HDRP (their current target for selling services), it would have been fixed AGES ago. For URP it gets marked fixed, then ignored.

In which versions of Unity do you still experience this issue? Could you please provide more details? A small repro project would also be ideal, because we could take a look at it ourselves.

I am seeing it on 2021.3.2f1

In the Scene view, make sure that the Skybox toggle is enabled. See the attached screenshot for reference.


2021.3.10f1, freshly downloaded, tried toggling it off and on, reopening:

The only thing I did was import Netcode for GameObjects and the Third Person Starter assets but the problem was there before I did either of those.

Figured it out, the lighting toggle was off (as well as the various effects main toggle)

Hope this helps someone else.

Alternatively, just middle click the scene view tab to close it, and then press Ctrl-1 to re-open it.


Thanks a lot man! It Worked.

Got stuck for a long time on standard unity assest being removed and now this problem.

can not believe it worked…

Closing and re-opening the scene view fixes it, thanks! But just for completion (Unity 2021.3): the underlying cause is that the skybox only shows up in the scene view if both the button itself is enabled (in blue in the screenshot), and the skybox item in the submenu is checked.

None of this is working for me using 2022.3.6. I had not noticed my skybox was gone bc I was making a 2d project. But when I added a 3d character to test something I noticed that it was lite up with no lights on it. Check so many settings thinking I clicked something by accident, but could not fix it.

thank you! this worked for me as well

Thank you :slight_smile: . This works for me except default layout. It is weird behavior. Version: Unity 2022.3.33f1