I reckon there are plenty of alternatives as far as game industry discussions go, but sure, when it comes to Unity specifically, these forums is the place to be. The reason I bring that up is because I think a great deal of users participating in these types of discussions aren’t even users of Unity. Many still choose (or at least chose) to come here because they enjoy the community more so than the engine. Many other places I’ve seen are generally more biased.
Just to clarify So here is a snapshot of a week for new posts…. Not edits or reactions just new posts. This is currently higher than we had for the old forums , and as you pointed out with a lot less spam.
I wonder why I dont see so many but thank you kindly @Brach_Unity, clearly there is a lot that just isnt showing up under latest for me.
QOL update …Signatures
I get the “Oops!” broken page.
MY bad it should work now
QOL Update
I hope Unity does keep listening and doing what they can.
Unity 6 can be that new start!
From reading all… the idea that people in the game industry … have to be
a bit " on the ball " Myself I know I am NOT " Neurotypical " and some
of the things that people that are Neurodivergent do not like fast changes.
Neurotypical has a far easier time adjusting to new things
I think this is one of the problems.
The idea that we are fighting and not getting anything done… Extreme views on
BOTH sides … winds up in a scream fest with division. I am trying to stay on topic…
I see the last 10 years people turning from decency and talking things through…
To … say one word that is out of line with some people, and it is war… HOW can ANYTHING get
done like that ?
For an extreme view point ( either side ) there is ONLY one way and it is our way. With no willingness
to compromise … in part I think that crept into Unity as well…
I think Unity seems to be trying to get away from that. They are communicating, they seem to
be listing to concerns… And have made some changes based on Users suggestions.
Consent griping and fighting accomplishes nothing … not talking specifically about Unity, but it has been
everywhere. Summer is slower and I think over time Unity will get this to a point… people can
live with it…
P.S … talking about Not neurotypical … I only will read this fully expanded. I would think many will.
Unity imho the Asset store needs to be VERY top on the left
It’s been fascinating to watch our industry move in increasing synchronicity over these dreadful years. Why has this happened? What are the goals of those controlling all this radical and sudden change? Who is keeping them in check and ensuring they know what they are doing?
Our operations today are so counter to the safeguards mindfully placed by generations past who had perspectives developed through necessary hardships. These perspectives are so lacking nowadays as everything has training wheels attached. Lots of people forcing their ways on others without ever having built any character first.
The thing is no side is always right, there are dated ideals that need to be cast aside. But too often things are cast out due to a lack of understanding, by foolhardy do-gooders who have never had to face reality and live in this technological bubble that has never existed in human history before.
We never have to face reality because we can simply look at a digital screen and have the utopia of our dreams created for us without having to produce any elbow grease. Cognitive dissonance on demand. There is a beast out there we all feed that has trapped our minds into thinking all our spites and fears are real. It’s monetized, politicized and ingrained deeply into our society. And it is supremely dangerous.
No system is perfect, but we used to live in a world where better idea and work flows and competent companies survive. We the consumers would benefit from rigorous competition as companies innovate and try new ideas. And in this healthy competition, the fear and doubt of failure compelled us to work hard and keep a sharp mind for doing our jobs and doing them well.
Competition is healthy, it is necessary. But generation after generation the affluent lose sight of this, as they are handed the keys to the kingdom without learning the hard lessons of why things are as they are. So those in control start to not give a damn about the tangible necessity of a day’s hard work, and finding people who are passionate at what they do. Seems all anyone is interested in any more is having smoke blown up their bum.
The bar lowers and lowers and lowers, and meritocracy dies. And pretty soon that prestigious plaque on the wall is nothing but words on paper. Working hard and trying to achieve great things is seen as an offensive act.
We got to these financial setups through great hardship and trial and error over many generations. We came to realize that having one set of rules and living under the command of a singular governing entity has supremely negative consequences because we has humans, even when well intentioned are prone to cognitive dissonances and fallibilities.
In short, we think our sh*t doesn’t stink and without a system that does away with bad ideas, the incompetent and self assured will destroy everything in perpetuity.
“There is nothing new under the sun” as they say. The great irony is that much of this “progressivism” has been tried countless times in the past. But those who do not study that past are doomed to repeat it. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
That’s the problem with our world today is we tend to think because we are watching something on a flashy phone on the newest social media apparatus it’s somehow more relevant.
Modern media is far more concerned with catering to the lowest common denominator than providing things of quality that will spur users to do meaning within their lives. That a 15 second Tiktoc clip telling us which game engine to use will somehow keep us connected to the emerging crowd of movers and shakers of this increasingly vapid world.
People form their opinions based on upvotes and who only knows how those are tallied or manipulated through suppressions and algorithms. We have literally programmed one another to think like drones obsessing how can we be the most mediocre? How can we say the least offensive thing? How can we appeal to the judgmental mob above?
Engagement, engagement, engagement to the lowest common denominator ALWAYS.
We’ve forgotten how to go against the grain. We’re all so pampered and fearful of the most modest pushback that people don’t know how to function as independent thinkers any more and this affects us on a mass scale. And to be fair, the judgement for thinking outside the box is absolute ejection from “polite society”.
So this is what we get, a sea of silence, a generation stunted, a wave of people who do not know how to think, what protest is, what it means to truly sacrifice, and to work hard and excel in sane systems in a healthy environment of competition.
We live in a world where people people confuse rebellion for upvoting preapproved twitter posts while chewing avocado toast for their thousand dollar laptops inside a Starbucks.
We wonder why everything is falling apart, we wonder why games today are no fun, why everyone is on edge, why no one engages in meaningful conversation about important topics by confessing important truths that need to be said.
But we all know there are countless people waiting in the wings programmed to cut you down for thinking out of turn. Be careful not to have too much to think? It is enough for some to simply be up from the bottom of the pyramid, to be suppressing others and forcing their will on others, or even other’s will, so long as they’re not at the bottom it doesn’t really matter.
I suspect a great many want to fight against the system and lament how everything has decayed, but no one can truly perceive how many want to join the fight, because we must all keep it hidden in this digital echo chamber where everyone around you can turn you in with total anonymity. Individuality has become a capital offense. Which is why forums such as this are so dead, much safer to hop on twitter or whatever and mindlessly upvote the preapproved thought of the day to get our daily dose of confirmation bias, so we can feel SOMEHOW connected to this world and feel as though we’re making a difference.
We all go around acting like everything is fine and that this is normal trying to survive another mundane day in the aftermath of all these wonderful changes as the fire rages inside…
I’ll just leave this here:
Unity 6 is set in stone since it’s just the rebranded Unity 2023 LTS. Unity 7 is the earliest that things might actually change.
Our new forum overlord is communicating. Everything else has been the same as it has been for years. We still don’t know the release date of the scripting overhaul for example.
That’s not me is it ………
Does anyone else feel as though this entire community as gone batsift crazy
(I’m not excluding myself from this observation)
I for one welcome our new undead overlord
Ah, I suppose overlord does have negative connotations.
So, I’m just a hobbyist so maybe I’m not keyed-in to the game industry or whatever, but I have no idea what you’re talking about at any point in this thread.
For me, Unity is more about working on my project. Not so much about talking to strangers on the internet.
Boys have an (pX * 0.5f + 0.5f) and girls have an (pX * 2f - 1f), apparently.