Streamlining creativity: Artist webinar this Wednesday

Hi everyone,

Games today require more content creation than ever, resulting in a higher demand on artists. Without the proper tools and processes in place, they may lose track of assets and struggle to collaborate across projects.

Discover tips for how artists can streamline and enhance workflows, helping shift focus back to bringing creative ideas to life.

In this webinar, our technical artists show you how to refresh a game environment for a seasonal update using SpeedTree, Asset Manager, and Unity Version Control together with the Editor.

This webinar will cover:

  • An introduction to Unity’s artist tools, including SyncSketch
  • How to change and adapt assets for new scenes in SpeedTree
  • Best practices for organizing and reusing assets in Asset Manager
  • Practical tips to work better together across Unity’s artist tool suite

Join us for the live demo and Q&A on November 20, 2024, at 8:30 am PT/3:30pm UTC.

Register now

We look forward to seeing you there!

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