With a successful Unity aab build, following these guidelines:
I’m still getting the following error in the google Play Console:
“This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement. The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code”
I have both ARM7, ARM64 and x86 architectures set.
When I open the .aab in an archive viewer, the lib folder has all of the .so’s for both arm64-v8a and armabi-v7a.
Using IL2CPP, .NET 4.x
Unity 2019.1.9f1
Android Studio 3.4.2
SDK Platform: 9.0(28);Platform-Tools: 29.0.2, tools:26.1.1 (I have tried builds with the Unity hub delivered SDK or with my downloaded copy, I still get the same error in the google play console)
We’ve been doing the same process for the past 20+ builds without issue, but this morning our build is getting rejected by Google with the same error. Not sure if this is a Google problem?
Same here, just happened for me too.
over 50 successfull builds and uploads.
.NET 4.X equivalent
.NET Standard 2.0
Any fixes yet?
I uploaded the same build that was accepted on Friday into internal track to beta track today and it failed. Must be something wrong from Google’s side.
I am not entirely sure either, I don’t have an x86 device at hand to test. I will get back to you after getting more information or finding a compatible device.