Successful Unity aab build not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement


I’m switching from APK to AAB.

With a successful Unity aab build, following these guidelines:

I’m still getting the following error in the google Play Console:

“This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement. The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code”

  1. I have both ARM7, ARM64 and x86 architectures set.
  2. When I open the .aab in an archive viewer, the lib folder has all of the .so’s for both arm64-v8a and armabi-v7a.
  3. Using IL2CPP, .NET 4.x
  4. Unity 2019.1.9f1
  5. Android Studio 3.4.2
  6. SDK Platform: 9.0(28);Platform-Tools: 29.0.2, tools:26.1.1 (I have tried builds with the Unity hub delivered SDK or with my downloaded copy, I still get the same error in the google play console)
  7. NDK: 16b

Is this a Unity problem?
Or Google bug ?(android gradle plugin - Unity aab not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement - Stack Overflow)
Or is there some other step I’m missing?


We’ve been doing the same process for the past 20+ builds without issue, but this morning our build is getting rejected by Google with the same error. Not sure if this is a Google problem?

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Have the same problem, checked that all libraries have 64-bit counterparts using APK Analyzer, but still can’t upload the app (to beta track).

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Same problem here: Since today my app bundle gets rejected from google play and it used to work for the last 5 builds.

I’m using
Unity 2019.2.0f1,
ARM7, ARM64 and x86,
.NET Standard 2.0,

This is likely caused by x86 (32bit) not having a 64bit counterpart.

Quick fix for us was to remove x84 support. But this means a bunch of people who have the x86version of the app are goners.


Same here, just happened for me too.
over 50 successfull builds and uploads.
.NET 4.X equivalent
.NET Standard 2.0
Any fixes yet?


I uploaded the same build that was accepted on Friday into internal track to beta track today and it failed. Must be something wrong from Google’s side.

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I even went on google dev live chat and was (as expected) just bombarded with copy-paste links about switching to 64 bit code since 01 AUG.

It now seems it’s a problem on their end.

I have the same problem.

Do you guy’s build support x86 64bit?

Someone on reddit stated that removing x86 support fixed the issue, however i can’t see that being a good idea in the long run.


Removing it does work (as mrm83 already said).


Would this not stop the app from working on an x86 devices? I dont know enough about this stuff to understand it all.

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I am not entirely sure either, I don’t have an x86 device at hand to test. I will get back to you after getting more information or finding a compatible device.

Anyone have any other workarounds yet or can confirm that disabling x86 won’t have any impact on user acquisition?

x86 is used by less than 0.4% of all Android devices, so it shouldn’t have any real impact.

You may probably already noticed but in 2019.2 x86 target is marked as deprecated, in 2019.3 it will be removed completely.


Great thanks for the clarification.
Still not sure why only today this error appeared on Google console.

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good night, I have the same problem, I can’t update my app, but I remove the x86, and I get another warning.

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I filed a bug report with the respective aab with Google. They’re on it. Keep you guys informed.


Same problem here.

Please keep in mind much developer are not able to upload aab (app bundle) because of incompability with some library their have to build an apk.

It should also work with apk files.