Trying to get gamepad to interact with UI buttons

I’m trying to get the gamepad to interact with the UI elements with the Input System.
The mouse does properly interact while the gamepad doesn’t with the UI.
Input is properly received in the debugger for the GamePad as well
Im using the Thirdperson StarterAssets from the Asset store

Created additional action inputs,
connected the InputSystem UI module to the correct InputAction

Created a virtual mouse but the UI mouse cursor won’t interact with the buttons

In the main menu scene using the virtual mouse and setting the Cursor mode to “Hardware Cursor if available” worked and took input.
In the Player scene it does not

Screenshot 2024-09-29 143302

Screenshot 2024-09-29 143318
If not set to the default the mouse doesn’t work

Any ideas or workarounds for getting the gamepad to interact with the UI?