Unity Behavior Graph Conditional Guard Run in Paralell

I’m currently using Unity 6000.0.31f1.

What I’m trying to do is to have my enemy patrol until a condition becomes true. The patrol node never becomes true on its own, which is all fine, but I want it to go to the next node instantly when my player has moved. This is what I’m trying wight now.

The problem with this setup is that the enemy does not patrol, but the condition is checked and is working correctly. If I change it to Run In Paralell Until Any Succeeds, then my enemy patrols but the condition is not checked in Update, and instead only at Start.

How can I make the action run until a condition becomes true?

Hello @fiskmaslok

If your goal is to have your condition being checked every frame, you need to add a Repeat node above your condition.

A user recently asked something similar here:

Parallel composite are going to execute branches in parallel, but the branch won’t be running in repeat , only until they succeed once. If you want your behavior running in parallel to repeat, you need to add a Repeat composite above them.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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