Hi All! Recently I began having a weird issue, when Unity builds the Xcode project, I used to have lots of standard frameworks added, now though I only get UnityFramework/storekit, same with all the mm/h files to the compile sources - they aren’t added!
I at first thought it was some editor script messing up the builds, but I tried creating a new project and same thing!
please help!
using unity Unity 2020.1.3f1 (64-bit), xcode 12.4
Are you opening .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj file?
If you have any third party plugins that use cocoapods then it should have .xcworkspace file. And some older plugins (e.g. old firebase) will mess up the post processing step.
thanks for your reply kaarloew!
I tried creating an empty project and building and still have the same issue - I also have older Unity’s installed, and there the builds go fine
please help! Can’t update my apps because of this issue/bug
I’m not seeing any errors in your XCode screenshot. Is it not building?
…because all the link references are added to the UnityFramework target: