Unity Not Building - JDK problem

So a few weeks ago, I built my finished mobile game from unity but later I realized that I had to sign it. I put the keystore and everything but then it happened: Unity was stuck at building scene 0, the only scene in the game. I tried it many times, one time it even got to 2 hours and didn’t build the project. I think my JDK jar installed with unity is not being found. It also takes a long time to build the player data sometimes, any help?

I tried to build my other game and it worked just fine. I tried transporting all game files to a new project. Still not working. I really tried a lot, even changing my unity editor

How to troubleshoot build failures:

Obviously, if there is actionable data, clues or information within any of the errors, fix those problems. Each error entry may have more information than can fit in the console log so select each error and read the expanded view below it.

If that gives you nothing worthwhile (look to Google! You’re never the first one!), then…

First, make a blank project with a single blank scene and prove that it builds successfully.

If the blank project does NOT build, go fix your Unity installation or your other tools, such as Android SDK, NDK, JDK, etc. It may even be necessary to change to a different version of Unity3D. It is generally best to stay with LTS versions of Unity3D.

Until you can build a blank project to the target platform, don’t fiddle with anything else.

Once you can build a blank project, now bisect the problem by bringing over parts of your current project and building it one subsystem at a time, perhaps stubbing things out that might trigger compiler errors.

Most often things that prevent building are third-party libraries such as Firebase.

Once you identify the subsystem, go to the documentation for it and make sure you are doing it correctly.

It may also be helpful to work through a tutorial or two for whatever subsystem is making the build fail.

Android build not building:

Circa July 2022 here have been reports of Unity’s installer failing to install the Android Tools.

Here was how I brought up Unity2020.3.41 and the Android SDK 31 on October 30, 2022 (edited on August 23, 2023 to include Android SDK 33…) (and again for SDK34):

Android Gradle errors and other related stuff:

Please don’t use the 2D tag unless you’re asking about 2D features. This puts it in the 2D product area, not the place for your question.

I’ll remove it for you.


Thank you, I deleted the anroid resolver folder and the adaptive Performance. Works just fine now!

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