
Because my project is not AR/XR, I removed the XR package from the Unity package manager. But it reported this error:

Missing types referenced from component UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings on game object UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings:
UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipelineRuntimeXRResources, Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Runtime (1 object)

I found this UniversalRenderPipelineRuntimeXRResources file under .../Packages/Universal RP/Runtime/RenderPipleLineResources.

But I have no idea how to solve this problem.
Someone can help me, please!

Is there a specific configuration or setting within the Universal Render Pipeline that I should check to prevent the missing types error from occurring in my Unity project?

moto x3m

I tried to create a minimal project, and I ran into the same issue.

Apparently URP uses some resource from AR Foundations, so you cannot remove it without getting this warning, even if you don’t use AR/VR/XR (it seems modularity is not their strong suit).

Just add AR Foundations package from the Unity registry, and the warning should go away.

I just recently delete some VR and AR components in my project and yes the warning do shows, shouldn’t this be reported as bug?

Yes, it should be reported, though it is not necessarily a bug, more a problem with package dependencies.

Note that in my above reply I say adding AR Foundations package, which does make the warning go away, but it also results in creating an unnecessary folder that gets recreated all the time. However, I could not find a package that adds less things.

Which Unity Editor/URP/AR Foundation versions does your project use? We didn’t see this issue crop up when creating an empty project using

Unity: 6000.0.32
URP: 17.0.3
AR Foundations: 6.0.4

I’ve just installed Unity and I get “Missing types referenced from component UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings” immediately upon loading the tutorial. I haven’t erased or changed anything. I’ve no idea what it means, so I’m not sure what to do to fix this. Is this related to the issue here?