Volumetric Fog & Mist - AAA realistic and animated fog, dust, low clouds and mist

Ok, thanks. Is it possible to have both terrain level smoke AND floating smoke at the same time?

Not currently, as the baseline height parameter affect entire fog effect. One approximation could be adding a second camera effect, Dynamic Fog & Mist (which is also included in the package) to simulate the ground smoke (use windy mist preset and change color of the mist to dark brown/black).

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Does Volumetric Fog & Mist handle particle effects with transparency? For example, I have a water fountain particle effect. I’d like it to disappear into the fog as I get farther away.

The fog will be rendered behind the particles.

I have created a test scene where you can see how some particles behave with Volumetric Fog & Mist with smoke preset:


Thanks for creating the test scene. That made it very clear.

Version 2.1 is now available on the Asset Store, featuring automatic Sun tracking and internal improvements.

Version 2.2 available as well!

In this update the following improvements were added:

  • Distance range: now you can define the ending distance for the fog (as with height). Setting a distance max. is useful to improve performance but also to create smooth distance ending for the fog creating localised areas of fog in front of you, instead of infinite fog.

  • Boxed void areas: in addition to spherical void areas, you can now define a box around a point in world space and a falloff, so that area will be clear of fog. This option is useful to focus the action around a squared area/volume, making the fog surround that area of terrain.

Hi! A few new screenshots showing Volumetric Fog & Mist working with Horizon(ON):


Video time…!

Check out this cool trailer of Marble Mountain from Lightning Rock studios for a nice use case of Volumetric Fog & Mist:

Hi Thrawn75

Would it be possible to define multiple void areas, so as to create essentially pockets of fog clearings within a map? Ideally it would be done using a trigger/collider placed during level design.

Your system does pretty much everything else I need aside from that, so if this is the case, then you’ve got a new customer.

Hi Rico,
That’s an option we’re evaluating - including sort of fog of war mechanics into Volumetric Fog like in upcoming World Map Strategy Kit:

We won’t be using colliders on our end, but you will be able to call a function to clear the fog at custom positions. Like ClearFogAt(worldPos).

As said, this is experimental - we’ll post here some progress when ready.


Awesome, well, definitely keep me posted. I’ll need this functionality to define fog clearings for indoor areas and such on a map.

As far as the trigger/collider no problem, I can implement that myself as long as I’m allowed to specify multiple void areas. Let me know as soon as you guys have it ready and you’ve got a customer!

V3 is now available on the Asset Store with internal improvements and a new downsampling option to boost performance on low-end machines.

This is the new inspector look:


Hi dudes, we have the new beta with Fog of War feature. Check out the quick video below:

Simply set any number of void areas calling a single function call with world space coordinates position, radius and desired alpha.

Here’s another video of the feature:

I’m happy to announce V3.1 with “Fog of War” feature is now available on the Asset Store:

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awesome!! love your work

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A new update has been released today making it compatible with RenderTexture.
Check out the demo/video below:

@Kronnect is it possible to add an additional light object to influence the light direction and intensity? Lets say you have a Sun/moon as the original/main target and maybe it’s evening or night but you have lightning that should also need to illuminate the clouds (maybe not the whole cloud -perhaps the ability to fine tune/adjust the light spread of the lightening and the intensity of the hotspot/source.