Vuforia Hololens Sample (Image Targeting) Not Working in Hololens

I have developed with the Vuforia plugin in Unity before, using the image targeting on my android phone and it works fine. Now I am trying to develop on Hololens, doing the same thing, but I’m having some issues. Ive been following this walk through -

When I run the project in Unity Editor Play Mode, it works fine with the webcam (the virtual objects get placed over the image targets). And I can deploy the project without any issues and open it in my Hololens - the main menu opens and I can choose what scene to go to next. The app also prompts me to allow my Hololens microphone and camera.

My problem arises when I select the “Image Targeting” scene. The voice commands stop working, I can’t open the help menu or go back to the main menu, and when I look at the image targets with the Hololens, no virtual object appears. I’ve gone through the project and player settings multiple times to assure they’re set properly according to that walk through. I’m assuming there’s a problem where the camera in the Hololens and app can’t communicate, but I’m really not sure. I don’t know how to debug this to find and resolve the issue.

If anyone has any tips or things to point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it.

Solution Found: Pretty basic setting that I had to change, but I didn’t know it existed because the tutorials I had seen didn’t mention it. Window → Vuforia Vonfiguration → Digital Eyewear Drop Down → Set Device Type to “Digital Eyewear” and Device Config to “Hololens”. It’s defaulted to handheld I guess.

I am facing a similar issue. They have removed this option of Digital Eyewear with the Vuforia Engine version 10.13.3. I used the Vuforia HoloLens 2 Sample from the Unity Store, and it works for the Image Target (note: the app license key was not required for the sample app). Then, I used the same sample file to create an image target with an app license key. The recognition does not work in this case on HoloLens. However, it is working on the Webcam.
Do you know what the potential reason for this can be?


I have a similar issue. Using Vuforia version 10.15.4, I am using a ModelTarget to be detected. It works perfectly on Unity-play with web-cam and detects my object but when I deploy app to HoloLens2, it does not recognize the 3D object.

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Same here, works perfectly when using the webcam of my computer in Unity play mode. But once I deployed it on to HoloLens2, nothing will be recognized.

Was anyone able to figure this out? I’ve been struggling with this for a bit and haven’t found any solutions that work!

I had the same issue, it was resolved by deploying the ARM64 build to the HoloLens instead of ARM build.

I have the same issue.Was anyone able to figure this out? I didn’t find the solution even with ARM64.

Original post: I have also the same issue. Anyone find a solution? I use the newest versions of Unity and Vuforia

Update: I found a solution for me.
As a little bit more backround, these are the versions I am using:
Win 11, Unity 2022.3.55f1, Vuforia version 10.28.4

For me the ImageTarget tracking worked on webcam connected to my PC, but not on the HoloLens.
The problem was, that the Vuforia enginge was not starting, due to an issue during initialization with the license key. So a bug in Vuforia.

I found a solution on stackoverflow (vuforia - ImageTarget don't work on HoloLens 2 due to licence issue - Stack Overflow)

You need to set the license key manually:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

using Vuforia;

public class VuforiaFixScript : MonoBehaviour

    private void Awake()
        VuforiaConfiguration.Instance.Vuforia.LicenseKey = "YourlicenseKey";

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

I attached the script to my ImageTarget directly. Then it works perfectly