Where is the XR Interaction Toolkit Package? Preview Packages gone from 2020.1?

In 2020.1.0b8, I cannot find the “XR Interation Toolkit” in the Package Manager. Without it, I can’t build/test any XR locomotion/grabbing/etc. Is that toolkit (latest v0.9.4) not available for 2020.1? On a related note, the “Show Preview Packages” option does not appear anymore under the “Advanced” dropdown in the Package Manager. Removed? Perhaps that is why I cannot find the XR Interaction Toolkit?

idiots at unity decided to remove all previews from package manager, you’ll have to use previous version for the moment unitil they get their heads out their arses…

It’s there. I have the latest version installed. You simply have to click the advanced button in package manager (the gear looking icon in the upper right corner of the pane) and enable preview packages.


Thank you

Thank you

thank you

thank you!!

It’s gone again


Yeah, it´s gone again.
Even when enabling preview packages I don´t see any preview packages at all. (Maybe I´m missing something here?)
It works fine in older Unity versions but not in 2021.2.6f1.
I must say it is very difficult to follow any kind of tutorial if they constantly keep on changing stuff. I´m spending more time googling errors than actually working in Unity.

I found a way to add it:

  1. Open Package Manager
  2. Top left corner, click on the + icon: Add package from git URL
  3. Type com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit
  4. Hit enter
  5. Wait a second and it will be installed automatically.

Thank you for posting this 2021.2.6f1 workaround. Saved me!

Fantastic! That just saved me a bunch of time (after wasting a lot of time). Where did you find the URL?


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Is this work around still working for 2021.2.7f1 ??


I have it is one project but cannot get it in the other.

Thank you

Thank you for this


Thank you Hybrex!