Hi most of my models are blends and I have been having some major memory issues that i was at a lost to understand but this might be it.
Just noticed that all my blender models are x5 as expensive in the profiler 20mb is reported as 100mb 1.85mb=10mb etc and under memory usage it is 20mb=60mb and reserved total jumps up by over a 100mb
Does anyone else have these issues.I tried a uncompressed blender file incase unity was undoing the compressing somehow but it did the same from 5 megs to 25 megs.
Tried the same mesh as a blend,fbx and obj file. On disk blend and fbx 20mb.&22mb respectively memory use in Unity 120mb both.
Obj 66mb on disk memory in unity 102mb. I don’t understand what is happening?. Should the size on disk not be the memory size?. Why is obj less despite been bigger on disk?.
Are you using modifiers? They are small in blender, but when converted to an fbx or from blend in unity, they get applied, and will take up much more memory.
No, the two sizes wouldn’t have much of anything to do with each other. Blender files have a bunch of formatting info for stuff that’s not used in Unity, which only stores pure binary data for the actual model. On the other hand, it’s likely that the models are using quads, but those have to be split into triangles in Unity. Also all the vertex info needs to be per-vertex in Unity, but can be shared in a Blender file. And the normals/tangents have to exist for the models in memory, but may not be in the Blender file (and are calculated on import). For a text format like .obj, the space used by coordinates will likely vary a lot in the file, ranging from something like “1.0”, which (assuming UTF-8), is 3 bytes, but will be 4 bytes as a single-precision float in memory, to something else like “-74.983551”, which is 10 bytes in the file but still only 4 bytes in RAM.
The point is that file sizes on disk don’t really have anything to do with actual size in memory. This is true for everything you import—images, models, audio. The import settings in Unity have a lot to do with what the actual size is. For example, a <100K .png file composed mostly of solid colors could end up being dozens of megabytes in RAM as an uncompressed texture file, but on the other hand, a huge 500MB Photoshop file with tons of layers, effects, etc. can be turned into a <1MB DXT compressed texture.
Ok i just assumed file size would be what it takes in memory. I unticked normals and tangents and filesize dropped to 40mb.The tri/quad would result in a increased tri count I don’t see why it would increase memory size?. But that been said the tri count in blender when in quads is the same tri count in unity so it seems unchanged.
Turns out if I turn of the normal import option it reduces the mesh from 100 to 40mb . Not a clue what the normals did as the mesh seems the same to me?
The readwrite option, I read somewhere, is supposed to double the memory used but it makes no difference whatsoever?