Activation of your license failed. Try again or contact Unity Support for help -> Solved

This is an Info thread about how i solved the following Problem after a new Hub installation (3.7.0) on a brand new Win 11 system.

I would do the following if the License is not obtainable with the following error:

  • No License found, Error Message:

  • Activation of your license failed. Try again or contact Unity Support for help.

  • Tried activating the Personal License via “Add license” key, “Get a free personal license” → “Agree and Get” Button pressed

  • Returned to licenses with same error message “Activation of your license failed. Try again or contact Unity Support for help.”

Unfortunalety I don’t know exactly what’s solved the problem, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Just Logout and Login, that has finally solved my Problem (ugh)

  • Check the Log File for Obvious things like connection problems or file restrictions:

  • “C:\Users[YOU]\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub\logs\info-log.json”

  • If nothing obvious can be found, try deleting everything within:

  • “C:\Users[YOU]\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub”

  • the license file (.ulf), if it does exist, under “C:\ProgramData\Unity”

  • make a backup of it before

  • Do a restart, Logout / Login Again.

  • If that does not work, and you have a working version of the Hub on another machine, copy that to the new one, try cleaning or copying the Roaming stuff too, if the copy of the Hub alone does not work. Try again.

  • It may be, that the logfile is telling you something about a machine / Key mismatch or something, because the copied Hub does not match the .ulf file, so backup and delete the .ulf file before that whole copy stuff.

  • Logout and Login again, there we are again at 1., which finally worked for me.

Additional info:
I have read horror messages like “Hub can’t get BIOS SerialNumbers or other info and does not work because of it”, i thought that was my Problem too.

You can check this by executing the following command:
“wmic bios get serialnumber”

There should be a number there. For me, it is set to default / empty. There were cases, where an xml error has been returned, which could be a problem. Who knows what the Unity Seat / Ident Stuff is doing in the background to get a unique id for you…

You may try to fiddle around with the win registry and search for the “SystemSku” under “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS” and try to add some kind of number here if empty (take a look at your bios if you find a serialnumber there and use that or something like that).

If have done that, but the cmd does not return that number via wmic, seems it works in a different way.

That’s all i have done.
It’s a pity that i have wasted hours with this, to use a FREE license.

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Indeed, the simple solution could be a logout / login, as stated here:

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To fix this on my Win11 system, I actually had to create the following folder manually, then right-click it and assign my user permissions to write to it… C:\ProgramData\Unity

Hope that helps someone out there.

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Thank you very much, sir! You saved me.

anything for mac

I’ve done all the above. Which folder did you create manually?

I had the same/very similar issue on a new Win11 and Unity Hub 3.7.0

Unity.Licensing.Client.log pointed out:
2024-02-29 17:34:22.996 - [ 7264] - [ 26] - INFO - [PermissionService] Ensuring path with permissions: C:\ProgramData\Unity\Unity_lic.ulf
2024-02-29 17:34:23.000 - [ 7264] - [ 26] - ERROR - [Unity.Licensing.Client.Services.Licensing.GenesisLicensingService] An error occurred while creating and setting permission on: C:\ProgramData\Unity (attempt /3 will try again in 100ms): C:\ProgramData\Unity\Unity_lic.ulf
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: C:\ProgramData\Unity\Unity_lic.ulf

C:\ProgramData\Unity did not exist, so created it manually from Explorer (right click, create folder). After that, right click on the newly created Unity folder, Properties, Security, and gave all permissions to my user(s).

Next try on getting the free license worked, and at least I have been able to create a new project, and get into the editor so far.

(My Win11 installation is not English, so there may be minor anomalies in the translations above, but I hope you get the big picture…)

None of them did not work. I hate and love unity.I can not access my project. Thanks for this.

Hi folks,
Could you please refresh the Hub and see if it works now?


Hi Thanks. It fixed now.

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same problem! after i tried again and again, the license still didn’t work, so i contacted unity support for help. although I didn’t get reply yet , it is so strange just 10 minutes later,the free personal license actived. Is it because I Reported a bug?
Follow this important post to solve the problem:
1 Network issues
for example, antivirus software, a firewall, or a proxy, your license will fail to activate.
2 Verify machine access privileges
Close all Hub processes using your task manager or similar.
Right-click the Hub icon > Run as Administrator
Try activating your license again
Delete an old license file

  • Windows: C:/ programData/Unity
  • Mac: Library/Application Support/Unity
    Delete the .ULF or .XML file housed there.

If you continue to see errors after troubleshooting the above, contact the Customer Experience team with the log files found in the below file locations for further assistance:
(Select View and tick the Hidden items checkbox if the files are hidden.)
The Hub log file (info-log.json):

  • Windows: C:\users<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub\logs
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/UnityHub/logs
  • Linux: ~/.config/UnityHub/logs


  • Window:C:\users<yourusername>\AppData\Local\Unity\Unity.Licensing.Client.log
  • Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Unity.Licensing.Client.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unity/Unity.Licensing.Client.log

yes,I uploaded all these logs above and sended to unity support.

How to report a bug?
unityhub > click the arrow beside your avatar > trouble shooting > report a bug,

We’ve just fixed this issue. If you’re still experiencing license issues, please try signing out of your Unity ID account in the Hub, quitting and restarting the Hub, and signing back into your Unity ID account again.

Hi, running into the same problem, signing out and restarting doesn’t seem to work so far

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Disabling VPN connection worked for me