Hi all
I got 2 textures:
1 with RGB
1 with ALPHA
I need to edit them ( eg in GIMP ) separately and when they’re changed i need to merge them in an RGBA unique texture.
Of course i can do this by hand with some tools but as those textures are often edited, i want to automate the process.
Therefore i used the OnPostprocessTexture from the asset postprocessor.
I also wanted to keep a list of all RGB+A textures pairs in the editor.
For this i made a small monobehaviour script that i put on an ‘EditorOnly’ gameobject:
Here’s the script of tex_postpro.cs :
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class def_texture_pair
public Texture2D RGB,ALPHA;
public class tex_postpro : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public static def_texture_pair[] textures_pairs;
public static bool enable_treatment=true;
public def_texture_pair[] tex; //don't use for anything else
public bool TexMergeEnable=true;
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
textures_pairs = new def_texture_pair[tex.Length];
int i=0;
foreach(def_texture_pair dp in tex)
enable_treatment = TexMergeEnable;
public void OnBeforeSerialize()
//intSerializationHelper = myStaticInt; // uncomment this if you want the field to reflect the value of the static field on playmode
// Postprocesses textures stored in the inspector....
public class Texture_RGBA_Merge : AssetPostprocessor
//bool memo_is_readable=false;
void print(string s)
void OnPostprocessTexture(Texture2D texture)
bool process_textures = false;
string texture_asset_path = assetPath;
string path_RGB="",path_ALPHA="";
def_texture_pair found=null;
if(!tex_postpro.enable_treatment) return;
foreach(def_texture_pair dp in tex_postpro.textures_pairs)
path_RGB = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(dp.RGB);
path_ALPHA = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(dp.ALPHA);
// Debug.Log("tex = "+assetPath);
// Debug.Log("RGB = "+path_RGB);
// Debug.Log("ALPHA = "+path_ALPHA);
// Debug.Log(""+texture_asset_path.IndexOf(path_RGB));
// Debug.Log(""+texture_asset_path.IndexOf(path_ALPHA));
if(texture_asset_path.IndexOf(path_RGB) != -1 ||
texture_asset_path.IndexOf(path_ALPHA) != -1)
print("entering in import of :"+assetPath);
process_textures = true;
found = dp;
if (process_textures == false)
print("Nothing to do");
path_RGB = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(found.RGB);
path_ALPHA = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(found.ALPHA);
// set the output filename and path
string filename_out = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path_RGB)+Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path_ALPHA)+".png";
string path_out = Path.GetDirectoryName(path_RGB)+"\\"+filename_out;
Debug.Log("Processing & exporting : "+path_out);
// get the RGB and ALPHA textures
Texture2D rgb = found.RGB;
Texture2D a = found.ALPHA;
// control both input textures have the same size....
if(rgb.width != a.width || rgb.height != a.height)
print("Textures must have the same size !!!! ABORTING.");
// allocate the target texture or load the existing one
Texture2D dest;
dest = new Texture2D( rgb.width,rgb.height,TextureFormat.ARGB32,false);
Color[] rgb_buffer = rgb.GetPixels(0);
Color[] a_buffer = a.GetPixels(0);
// create the output texture ( we'll use the rgb color buffer for sparing mem... )
for (int i = 0; i < rgb_buffer.Length; i++)
rgb_buffer[i].a = a_buffer[i].r;
// should we write a new file ?
// Encode texture into PNG
byte[] bytes = dest.EncodeToPNG();
// write the output file
File.WriteAllBytes(path_out, bytes);
TextureImporter tImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath( path_out ) as TextureImporter;
// AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();
The strange part is that i get the message:
A default asset was created for ‘Assets/scripts/test_postpro_textures/B.png’ because the asset importer crashed on it last time.
You can select the asset and use the ‘Assets → Reimport’ menu command to try importing it again, or you can replace the asset and it will auto import again.
However, things seem to work fine and could automate many textures pairs
Just wanted to share
Happy unitying !