Can you stop a blend tree from blending animations together?

I’m using a blend tree to control my various walk/idle animations. However, I’m making a 2D game, so there are unique animations meant to be used in each direction. If I give an input that doesn’t match with the current directions, Unity will occasionally spit out a weird blend of two directions (i.e. legs facing one way and the torso facing the other).

animator.SetFloat("X",  movementDirection.x);
animator.SetFloat("Y", movementDirection.y);

Currently, I just have certain animations set closer to the “intercepts” (X=0 / Y=0) to favor those, which seems to help a little, but does not fix the problem.

Is there a way to use blend trees, but stop it from actually blending animations?

Did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same exact problem.

If anyone else comes across this issue - the fix that worked for me is here: Can you make a blend tree only play one animation at a time? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

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