I’ve imported 16x16 tiles into my game but i’m struggling to find a way to make the tilemap fit the 16x16 tiles that i’ve imported, everything gets placed smaller than the actual tile map. is there an option to change the tile map or do i have to import them differently?
Select your sprite files in the folder in the inspector. You can do this individually or you can hold down shift and select all of them the same way you would in windows explorer.
In the inspector, look for the Pixels per Unit setting - it typically starts at 100.
Set this to 16.
This tells Unity you want 16 pixels to cover each tile unit.
Thanks, i managed to find a different way to sort it out, not sure if it’s going to mess up later on when i start to create the player movement and stuff but i went to the grid options and changed the cell size to 0.5 now everything fits properly