Double click on Console Window

Hi Im working on Logging script that will allow work in team and not spamming other team members console window.(Filtered Logging).

Problem is I want to direct to exact place when some one double click on unity’s console window message.

I found following script that allow you to direct to script like But what im looking is how to catch Double click event on Console window.

using System.Diagnostics;


StackTrace myTrace = new StackTrace(true);
StackFrame myFrame = myTrace.GetFrame(1);

UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.OpenFileAtLineExternal(myFrame.GetFileName(), myFrame.GetFileLineNumber());

I think our editor console replacement asset has the feature you need. See the second feature discussed in this video:

Console Enhanced

The asset also includes C# source code so you can easily hook into the double-click, event if you need to catch that event for any other reason.