Important: Assembly Definition Files postponed until Unity 2017.3.
The assembly definition files feature will be disabled in the final release of Unity 2017.2.
The development of the feature was not completed for the release of Unity 2017.2 and is postponed until Unity 2017.3.
Keep an eye out for when the Unity 2017.3 betas become available and try out this feature with complete editor integration.
Hi everybody,
I’d like to share with you an example project to demonstrate usage and capabilities of user-defined managed assemblies, a new feature in Unity 2017.3 with the potential to drastically minimize script compilation times of your projects.
This example project consists of two scripts that run in the editor. One to measure and display editor compilation times in the console, and another to generate lots of generic scripts in separate folders and corresponding assembly definition files. This way you can experience the performance differences custom managed assemblies afford first hand, without having to setup things yourself.
To get started, simply download the project via the link below and open it in 2017.3. The test scripts and their assembly definition files can be generated by clicking on ‘Generate’ in the menu bar.
The purpose of these scripts and assembly definition files generators is to give you quick access to see what impact custom assemblies can have on compilation times in projects with lots of scripts. The ‘Generate’ menu in the menu bar is exclusive to this example project and not part of the feature itself.
Project link ( 93 kB):
You can find more information about the update of the script compilation pipeline, assembly definition files, and how to use them here:
Please use this thread to discuss the subject matter.
Edit (10/02/17):
Updated the project to reflect the change of the definition file type from .json to .asmdef.
Edit (09/27/17):
Migrated the thread from the 2017.2 beta forum to the 2017.3 beta forum.
Edit (08/02/17):
Revised folder layout and naming.