Happy Monday! :) Have you gotten started on your Roll-a-Ball Learn-Along?

Hello, Unity Community!

We just kicked off our very first Learn-Along featuring Roll-a-Ball on Unity Learn! Chiming in to say hello and say that we are here to support and encourage!

You might be wondering - what should I do on the first day? :thinking: Here’s some suggestions!

  • Begin the Roll-a-Ball tutorial! Especially the first tutorial - Setting up the Game! Have you installed Unity 6 yet? Have you set up your workspace? Follow along and spend today setting along on your journey.
  • Say hello! You can find the Roll-a-Ball Learn-Along topic list here! Make sure to tag your posts with the “Roll-a-Ball” AND “Learn-Along” tags so that others can find your posts there.
  • Help a fellow learner! Have you finished the Roll-a-Ball learning project before? Are you a Unity pro? Feel free to jump into the topic list and help someone out!

On behalf of the Unity Learn and Community team, happy jamming and GET THAT BALL ROLLING!!!



and i am stuck on the move player topic

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I saw the other thread that you were in - did you figure out your bug @SHAYAN_GREAT? Also posted the link to the submission in the other thread!

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Yup i am done with the project