As in the heading i am having this issue in Unity 5.3.6f1. Below is a photo of my Lighting settings. I have seen similar posts about this and have tried a few things. Like checking that none of the individual object UV scales exceed that of the max lightmap resolution. ( I manually went through and adjusted the scale of each even the objects that arent set to lightmap static). Still doesn’t fix the issue. It is an outdoor scene if that helps.
I have tried baking with the settings (Default- low resolution) and it works however I want to be able to do it at a high resolution. Any way of making it work on high resolution?
Reduce Baked Resolution and indirect resolution significantly. If that bakes, try increasing the values.
(also, what do you mean stuck? How long did you wait?)
Oh good point i’ll try that.
By stuck I mean that I left it to bake over night (from about 530 pm) then came in at 9am and was stuck at that point.
Okay, that qualifies as stuck
But if your scene is pretty big those numbers maybe a bit unrealistic.
Hi Harisson, it depends of the unit setup you used for your scene in maya or 3ds.
If 1cm = 1m, 30 for baked resolution should be fine and 2 for indirect
if 1m = 1m check the lightmap resolution in unity and reduce it by selecting all the objects and change the value “Scale in lightmap” to 0.5 for near objects or 0.1 for far objects.
If you have a message : “The object has reach the max atlas size” is the fact that Unity wont made it.
Then 10 could be fine for baked resolution and 0.01 for indirect
Hey Harrison_Hough,
seemingly random question: Is there an object in your scene that is very far away from world position 0,0,0? For instance, a 1000 units?
I just had a look now and i can only seem to find a camera thats far away not any objects.
its transform position is 4289.79, -21207.97, 9276,438.
Its called Water4AdvancedReflectionAmplifyEditorCamera [AT-PrePass] and I am unable to delete it or change the transform position for some reason.
not sure if thats relevant though
Actually scratch that I can delete it. It gets created again at runtime though not at that same position though.
Other than that no objects that are that far away