I just want my material to look like the actual texture. Sure, it will look darker when it has shadows on it, and it will look like a different color when the lighting casts some color to it. But when I’m creating textures it feels like a guessing game because I don’t know what a color is actually going to look like under normal circumstances.
I have a woody texture with a rich vibrant brown, but when I plug this thing into a standard shader it instead has a completely different color, like I left it soaking on bleach overnight. The best I can do is set “metallic” to 0.5, which makes it less bright, but it still looks gray plus it now has a dull sheen.
the best I can do is try using some of the mobile shaders, and these work fine when a material doesn’t need any normal maps or anything special, but it’s kind of rare for that to be the case. Plus I have various objects that need to use special shaders I’ve picked up from the store, all of which are based on the “standard” shader, so if I can’t get the material to look right with a standard shader, I can’t get it to look right with the special custom shader.
How do I get a material to have the color I actually gave it?