How to add dynamic moon/planet to sky

How do I go about adding a dynamic moon/planet to the skybox (URP), similar to this (Skyrim):


  1. Planet should move independently from stars.

  2. Dynamic clouds on the planet.

  3. Lightning storms on planet (will look really cool when there is lightning in the dark area).

  4. How do I create the planet it self (oceans, continents) earth-like, but not earth?

  5. Does it need to be a 3D model or can I get away with a 2D image for the planet?

  6. How do I do the dynamic weather(clouds)?

  7. How do I do the lightning?

Thanks in advance :smile:

Creating a procedural skybox in Unity’s Shader Graph | Medium

here’s a basic run through, unity’s default skybox also has code to create a sun based on directional light you could look at

though if you really want hyperrealistic moon asset you may be better off using some kind of inverted sphere layout with multiple shell layers, so as to properly show the layering of things like clouds.