How to make a list like Inspector List with EditorGUILayout

As you can see, i have different TileSets, belonging to special sets.
I want to write a custom editor script for more selection, when defining my rooms.
A Theme has a Type and a name and a Tileset.

When i now define my rooms, i want to select the type, then select one of the possible themes and finally, when defining a tile, select one of the possible tiles out of the tileset of that special theme.
This now looks like this:
I want to write a special Editorscript for that, i already know how to do this.
And i also know how to make buttons, labels and even popupfields.
but how would i make that kind of List, giving an int field, which reacts directly on that lists items and the list view.
i cannot only call base.OnInspectorGUI(), because that doesn’t help me to change the line Theme to a sorted list of themes of selected type and make a list for the possible Tile in every Room Element, where i have a second list each Room.
How do i do such List view ? Is there somewhere some usable Demo to watch on how to do this ?

Later it should look like this:

So it seems your question is this garbled statement:

I honestly have no idea what you mean by any of this.

How about you mock up a drawing of what you want or something similar. That’s what I usually do when I’m writing custom editors with my artist in mind. We mock up the editor with how we want the data portrayed, and compare it to the data in code and then figure out in what manner I can massage the existing data into looking like the desired look&feel.

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i think, i want to do something like this:

i am currently reviewing it.

Yeah, i am happy with that solution. Sorry for disturbing.

The Result

Oh,you did a great job and I want to know how to do this!