I cant find visual scripting and script machine
i also cant find script machine in componnts of gameobject
I cant find visual scripting and script machine
i also cant find script machine in componnts of gameobject
In the lower left of your first image, there’s a tiny bit of red visible. Do you maybe have compilation errors or other errors? That could make Unity unable to finish compiling packages, which would make Visual Scripting and other packages not be available.
Yeah It has compilation errors , I tried everything to fix it but I couldn’t
1st error : Internal build system error. read the full binlog without getting a BuildFinishedMessage, while the backend process is still running
2nd error : TypeLoadException: Could not load type ‘UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionAsset’ from assembly ‘Unity.InputSystem’.
System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName (System.String typeName, System.Boolean throwOnError, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Boolean reflectionOnly, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark& stackMark, System.Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName) (at <321eb2db7c6d43ea8fc39b54eaca3452>:0)
System.RuntimeType.GetType (System.String typeName, System.Boolean throwOnError, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Boolean reflectionOnly, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark& stackMark) (at <321eb2db7c6d43ea8fc39b54eaca3452>:0)
System.Type.GetType (System.String typeName, System.Boolean throwOnError) (at <321eb2db7c6d43ea8fc39b54eaca3452>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlUtility.ParseType (System.String value, System.Type defaultType) (at :0)
How do i Fix it?
is the input asset package installed?? also make a blank project and see if it builds properly, u can figure out if its an error with all of unity or just your project
Maybe update the input system?
May just need to reboot PC.
I Build a Blank project but same Errors
Did it still its occuring
This Error is Sooooo frustrating
I’ve never seen this error so I dunno really how to diagnose it.
Normally a simple reboot will fix a strange issue, or maybe starting a new project?
I don’t really know what to say
EDIT: Heres a similar issue
Internal build system error. read the full binlog without getting a BuildFinishedMessage, while the - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
Sadd I still cant fix it