I cant move the XR rig with the joystick while grabbing an XR interactable with the same controller

I am using the XR interaction toolkit demo scene. Whenever i grab an interactable object, that controllers joystick is “disabled” so i cant use it to rotate/move the XR rig. How can i enable it so i can be holding an XR interactable object and move/rotate the XR rig with the joystick at the same time on the same controller?

Hey @isakous
You can change this behavior by changing the included script in the project for input mediation called ActionBasedControllerManager.cs. Keep in mind, if you change this script or turn it off, when you pick up an object with a Ray Interactor, you will be able to move, but you will also rotate and translate the object you are picking up due to assigning actions to the Translate/Rotate Anchor. The script could be modified to detect if it is a Direct or Ray Interactor and not disable the Move action, allowing you to use the thumbstick to navigate as intended.


Can you elaborate on how to fix this behavior to allow holding interactable object and do not rotate it when turning around?

Hey @VRDave_Unity
Can you please give me some help if it’s not difficult

I solved this in my set up by disabling a setting in the XR Controller named Translate Anchor Action. Nothing tricky and I’ve seen no issues.

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It looks like it doesn’t work in my case, what other possible solutions?

I imagine that it could be a combination of things and our basic setting might be incredibly different. I’m using an XR Origin not XR Rig that could be something. Perhaps different versions of the libraries. Mine is a VR app and that setting solved it for me in two versions of my “avatar”. The full-on multiplayer one that people use in shared worlds and a small single-player one used in one’s Home space.

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Hello. I did as you said and it doesn’t work for me. I am attaching a video with the configuration and what happens.
XR Plugin Management - Version 4.2.1
XR Interaction Toolkit - Version 2.0.4
OpenXR Plugin - Version 1.5.3

Hi there - for those that are experiencing this and having trouble, find the script called ActionBasedControllerManager.cs and look for the function called OnRaySelectEntered. Comment out the line for DisableLocomotionFunctions(). In my version of this script it is line 283.

This will allow you to continue to use the thumb sticks for movement when controlling an object with the XR Ray Interactor