I want to download an older Hub version

Alright Unity team, cut the bullshit.
I’ve stumbled upon posts from the forums dating back to 2017 asking to be able to download older hub versions.

That’s. All. I. Want.

I do not care about filling a bug report or “using the latest version because it has bugfixes”, Unity Hub 3.0 is in Beta for my OS, as such it’s unstable and shouldn’t be my only available download option.
It is not because you think you fixed bugs in the latest version that it didn’t break on someone else’s system. As a software development firm you should know this.

I need Unity Hub version priori to 3.0, please provide it.


They do. Just switch back to Production channel and it restart it. It should update itself to the 2.x production line. If it for some problematic reason doesn’t, uninstall it and reinstall it.

I can’t, because Unity Hub 3.0 just doesn’t work on my system.


Out of curiosity, what Hub version are you using? As far as I understand, you’re using Hub V3 but it doesn’t work on your system, right?
As @ said, you can:

  • Click Settings (GEAR icon)
  • Go to Advanced
  • In the Release Channel drop-down, choose “Production”
  • Wait for background download. When it’s ready, you will see a message to Restart Hub to start using V2.

It’s the same process, just changing the Beta to Production.
Or you can also uninstall and install the Hub again - download it here. It should install the Hub 2.4.5


Oh my god, are you serious ? I literally said that I can’t do any of this because the hub just doesn’t work on my system, and the only downloadable version for Linux, even with your link is Unity Hub 3.0

That’s the kind of bullshit I’m talking about.

I repeat, I cannot click the cogwheel and revert back to the older version on the Unity Hub because it just doesn’t work.
I cannot use the hub past the login screen, hence can’t go the the settings to revert back to v2. I’d just like Unity to do what every software development company does and provide links to previous versions of your software, as you’ve been asked for literally 5 years


Maybe you need to pass beyond the “It’s not working, bullshit, yadda, yadda”. You know, actually communicate WTF is your problem.

I guess this is the 2.x Hub download link (I do not have Linux, I prefer to use desktop OS which actually works):

Oh, and you’re welcome.


That is not the 2.X link.

The 2.X link for linux isn’t available online as it should be. My main problem is about logging in, the backlink doesn’t redirect properly to the app, this has literally nothing to do with the OS. There are no bad OSes, only shitty developers.

There’s no “passing beyond” on how broken Unity stuff is and how unable to provide support the Unity team is, especially when you get bot-like generic responses to a specific need : I want to be able to downgrade my software because it introduces breaking changes.

Not the first one to ask for this, won’t be the last one, no matter the OS.

All things considered, thanks for your time responding.


I’m having the same issue as the OP.

From the unity download page (Start Your Creative Projects and Download the Unity Hub | Unity) the linked version for Unity Hub reports itself as version 3.0.0-beta.5. Note that I did not select a beta channel, that’s the version for download at the time I write this. From the download archive (Download Archive) there are no direct links to download specific versions of Unity for Linux, those are only available for Mac and Windows.

When I run the downloaded UnityHubBeta.AppImage file, the below message is printed to terminal and a splash screen shows, prompting me to sign in.

$ ./UnityHubBeta.AppImage
ERROR: Licensing SDK logging callback is not registered. Please use 'registerLoggingAdapter' function from the SDK to do so.

Clicking the big blue “Sign in” button opens a new tab in my browser to https://api.unity.com/v1/oauth2/authorize with various query parameters including redirect_uri=unityhub%3A%2F%2Flogin. That tab prompts me to open xdg-open. Once I click the “Open xdg-open” button, the prompt goes away and nothing else appears to happen.

At this point the Unity Hub splash screen is still stubbornly prompting me to sign in or create an account. As best I can tell, there is no way to download an older version of Unity Hub.

Any help with this would be appreciated.


Well that didn’t take long to resolve. A quick search on how to register an application with xdg brought me to this: linux - How can I register a custom protocol with xdg? - Super User

Following the instructions there, I created this entry:

$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/unityhub.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Unity Hub
Exec=/path/to/UnityHubBeta.AppImage %u

And then executed xdg-mime default unityhub.desktop x-scheme-handler/unityhub. After doing that, the sign in redirect functioned and I was able to log in.


That’s an interesting solution that I’ve yet to try. Although the original purpose of this topic hasn’t been answered which is: give me a link to an older version of the hub. Obviously Unity support won’t ever give proper support and will avoid the question as they have been in the past 5 years.


Thank you so much! I almost had it as well, but I was missing the %u argument. Now clicking on a unityhub://... link in the web browser (Firefox in my case) actually works.

There is still the problem of actually downloading the engine: everything downloads fine, but then it fails to install the editor with the only message being “Install failed: Installation Failed”. I have found a manual workaround though:

The files are downloaded to /tmp into a directory with a name like unityhub-... where the ... is some alphanumeric code (probably a hash). Inside each of these directories is a tarball for the editor or another component like documentation or build support.

  • Inside your editor location create a directory with the name of the version of the editor you are downloading, e.g. ~/.local/share/UnityHub/Engine/2020.3.19f1.
  • Extract each of the tarballs in that directory. Only extract tarballs that belong to that editor version. Merge directories if necessary

I haven’t been able to make Unity open the locally downloaded documentation, it always opens the online documentation in my web browser, but maybe that’s just how Unity works these days. With this I can finally get some actual work done instead of fighting the solution.

I feel your pain and I hope these workarounds help you. Unity is such a shitshow, the only reason I am still putting up with it is because I am making money on the Asset Store with it (and Unity will gladly take a 30% out of my sales), and even with that I have been so close to just throwing in the towel and giving up. The Unity Hub is a perfect example of a solution to a problem we should not even be having in the first place. Just give me a damn REST API or something and I will use curl to download the editor if I have to. There are direct download links for Windows and macOS, but for whatever baffling reason there is no download like for GNU/Linux, only a Unity Hub link.

I am convinced that support is either run by bots or they have been intentionally instructed to just stall users until we give up or figure it out on your own. The replies in this thread are a perfect example: you say that you cannot do something, and they just keep telling you to do it over and over again. As if you triggered a pre-programmed response in a bot.


Thank you for this thread. I had the same problem (running Ubuntu 20.04) and n_wolfe’s solution fixed it for me. It would be really nice if Unity Hub did that automatically, or if it maybe gave us the option to directly download an earlier version instead of requiring us to download the broken beta first, or if it could just let us skip the whole hub thing and download the editors directly like you can with Mac and Windows, or if Unity devs actually listened to us and fixed their issues when we pointed them out. Anyway, hackfix worked. I have signed in and gotten to the main UI. Let’s see if I can actually install an editor now.

Edit: Funny story, before I found this thread, I had tried manually loading a unityhub link from the unity store on the command line. That gave me the standard installation options but then after I clicked install, brought be right back to the sign-in screen. Apparently that was actually downloading this whole time and is now half finished. I guess it’s only the UI that is that privileged.

I ran into such a problem on ubuntu 21.10, the hack does not help. There is no way to log in. There is no way to download a stable build.


Thanks for the solution man
It’s working fine till popping up the HUB window back
and then, nothing happens
no login

I think, the problem might be more related to HUBv3 now

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You should give it some time, like a couple of minutes. I think it takes one or two minutes for the Hub to respond on my machine. No joke.

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Anybody else still having this issue? It looks like the newest UnityHub installer (beta-6) places the .desktop file and enables the sign-in link to the browser. HOWEVER, once the oauth responds, my browser (Firefox) asks me which application I would like to open the unityhub link with. I select the UnityHub.AppImage and nothing happens. Still can’t login or do anything.

Am I missing something?

How long are you waiting? The Unity Hub takes its sweet time, don’t expect it to respond within a few seconds. Otherwise my only guess would be to check the desktop file and compare it with what has been written in this thread. At this point you are better off double-checking yourself instead of trusting the file created by Unity.

Also, you might need D-Bus installed on your system, but I’m not sure about that one. If you are using a big desktop environment you probably already have it.

hi i would like to download unity hub 2.4.2 the 2.4.5 is not really giving me unity 2018.4.30 which i want to use since my files are saved with that version i came from windows now using zorin os 16 is the any link for a appimage file for version 2.4.2

I’m sorry, why doesn’t the UnityHub just work as it should, if Linux is a supported OS?

Why all these ugly workarounds?


Still stuck with this error: Sign in link broken

The latest version of Unity Hub just doesn’t work on the latest version of Linux.