Hi there! We’re finding that “Use Existing Build” isn’t loading materials properly on WebGL.
The scene shown here (“Home”) is hosted on a server and loaded via Addressables - but the sprite materials (as well as a particle system and another custom shader) are all showing with the default pink “broken shader” color.
You’ll notice that there’s a warning stating “Material does not have a _MainTex texture property” and some errors (Assertion failed on expression: ‘request.key.guid.IsValid()’) spamming the log (these only show when the material inspector is expanded).
These errors can be fixed by removing and re-adding the material, or changing the shader back and forth - but obviously this means it’s no longer using the downloaded material!
Should we assume this is covered by the warning “Asset bundles built with build target WebGL may not be compatible with running in the Editor.”?
The materials being pink is expected for running in Editor for non-Standalone platforms with Addressables. This is because different platforms have their own way of compiling those shaders. Does it load correctly in browser or on console?
I’m encountering this problem using URP and WebGL in Addressables 1.21.21. Setting Play Mode Script to “Use existing build (WebGL)” throws a warning telling that “Asset bundles built with build target WebGL may not be compatible with running in the Editor.”, but this Play Mode Script mode is mandatory in order to use the new Addressable Assets profiler module to analyze assets management.
Do we have a solution on how to use that profiler module with working on WebGL projects?