Edit: Just to clarify, the nav mesh IS working (character moves around objects) but just not seeing the blue visual aid.
My NavMeshSurface is attached to a plane, the plane is static, and Gizmos is turned on.
When I hit Bake, the blue nav mesh does not show up. All that happens is a folder is created with same name as the scene, and the Nav Mesh Data is put in there.
I am using Unity version 2022.3.17f1
I think you have to have the Navigation window visible, not hidden behind the inspector…
Adding to this, apparently there is now a NavMeshSurface Component that you put in your scene to bake.
This is where it USED to be… yellow text is my own wishful thinking.
I tried having the Navigation window visible and selected while I press Bake on the NavMeshSurface, but that does not make the blue nav mesh show up, unfortunately.